First Year

First Semester

ME 111Mathematics (1)313
ME 112Static Mechanics (1)3124
ME 113Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (1)1122
ME 114Manufacturing process (1)223
ME 115Engineering Metallurgy (1)22
ME 116Fundaments of Computer Science122
ME 117Electrical Engineering (1)223
ME 118Arabic Language11
ME 119Educational Sport20
ME 120English Language (1)11

Second Semester

ME 121Mathematics (2)313
ME 122Static Mechanics (2)313
ME 123Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (2)1122
ME 124Manufacturing process (2)223
ME 125Engineering Metallurgy (2)223
ME 126Electrical Engineering (2)22
ME 127Computer programming (1)122
ME 128Freedom and Human rights111
ME 129English Language (2)11

Second Year

First Semester

ME 211Mathematics (3)313
ME 212Dynamic Mechanics (1)212
ME 213Mechanical Drawing (1)122
ME 214Strength of Materials  (1)2123
ME 215Thermodynamics (1)212
ME 216Fluid Mechanics  (1)2123
ME 217Computer Programming (2)122
ME 218English Language (3)11

Second Semester

ME 221Mathematics (4)313
ME 222Dynamic Mechanics (2)2123
ME 223Mechanical Drawing (2)122
ME 224Strength of Materials  (2)212
ME 225Thermodynamics (2)2123
ME 226Fluid Mechanics  (2)212
ME 227Computer Programming (3)122
ME 228English Language (4)11

Third Year

First Semester

ME 311Machine Elements Design (1)2123
ME 312Theory of Machines (1)212
ME 313Internal Combustion Engines (1)212
ME 314Heat Transfer (1)2113
ME 315Engineering Analysis212
ME 316Gas Dynamics2123
ME 317Computer Aided Engineering (1) 122
ME 318Manufacturing Processes (3)223
ME 319English Language (5)11

Second Semester

ME 321Machine Elements Design (2)212
ME 322Theory of Machines (2)2123
ME 323Internal Combustion Engines (2)2123
ME 324Heat Transfer (2)2113
ME 325Numerical Analysis2113
ME 326Turbomachinery212
ME 327Computer Aided Engineering (2) 122
ME 328Manufacturing Processes (4)223
ME 329English Language (6)11

Fourth Year

First semester

ME 411Machines Design (1)222
ME 412Mechanical vibrations (1)2113
ME 413Power plants (1)212
ME 414Air Conditioning2113
ME 415Industrial Engineering22
ME 416Engineering Materials (1)22
ME 417Measurements & Instrumentation1112
ME 418English Language (7)11

Second Semester

ME 421Machines Design (2)222
ME 422Mechanical vibrations (2)2113
ME 423Power plants (2)212
ME 424Refrigeration2113
ME 425Electrical Machines22
ME 426Engineering Materials (2)22
ME 427Control Engineering2113
ME 428English Language (8)11
ME 429Renewable Energy33

Full year engineering project

ME 419Engineering Project (1 year)233
No.ME 111 Mathematics (1) Theory :    3hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Functions and their graphs2
2Limits and continuity2
3The derivatives2
4Application of derivatives3
5Trigonometric functions and inverse Trigonometric functions3
6Transcendental functions3
No.ME 112 Static Mechanics (1) Theory :    3hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1  Introduction To Static’s  Mechanics, Basic Concepts , Scalars And Vectors ,  Newton’s Laws , Units ,  Law Of Gravitation ,  Accuracy , Limits, And Approximations , Problem Solving In Static’s3
2Force Systems Introduction, Force ,  Rectangular Components , Moment ,  Couple, Resultants   Rectangular Components, Moment And Couple , Resultants5
3Equilibrium Introduction, System Isolation And The Free-Body  Diagram, Equilibrium , Conditions- Categories Of Equilibrium, Equilibrium Conditions- Free-Body Diagrams4
4Structures  Introduction , Plane Trusses , Method Of Joints , Method Of Sections , Space Trusses3
No.ME 113 Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (1) Theory :    1hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Engineering drawing: Introduction, graphic instruments and their use ,lettering Graphic geometry ,multi view orthographic projection in, first and third angle projection, dimension ,third view . Descriptive geometry: Projection theories, Represent of point, Represent of line:Represent of line in(8)angle ,represent of two line, determine of true length of oblique  line 15
No.ME 114 Manufacturing process (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Engineering material, iron ores and iron production2
2The furnaces used for steel production3
3Production: Production of cast iron and ores concentration, Production of aluminum and lead , Production of copper and copper alloys5
4Mechanical and physical properties of metals and tests2
5Sand casting, Other casting methods, measurement and selection rulers3
No.ME 115 Engineering Metallurgy (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Engineering Materials Introduction and Classification, Atom Structure , Bonds, Unit Cell, Atomic Packing Factor, Miller Indices, Amorphous and Crystalline Structures, Cooling Curves, Solidification, Nucleation, Growth Structure of Pure Metal6
2Constitution Of Alloys: Alloy Structure And Classification, Binary Systems,  Reactions In  Phase Equilibrium Diagrams, Phase Equilibrium Diagrams of Binary Systems Solid Solutions, Eutectics, Intermetallic5
3Properties Of Metals And Alloy:- Non Ferrous Metals And Alloy (Light Metals, Refractory Metals And Their Alloys)3
No.ME 116 Fundaments of Computer Science Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Computer definition: (Computer generation, computer components, numerical systems, algorithms and charts)1
2File, definition, types and names, operating system (MS-DOS): Explain internal and external commands1
3Introduction to WINDOWS, Desktop, using the mouse, My Computer, closing any open window, temporary closing1
4Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)6
5Computer oriented procedures2
6Flow charts2
7Introduction to programming language2
No.ME 117 Electrical Engineering (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Resistance Calculation, charge and current, voltage, power and energy, Temperature Effects on Resistance3
2Ohms Law, Nodes, Branches and  Loops  Krich Hoff Laws, Maxwell Loop Currents Formation Of Loop Current Equation.3
3Circuit Transformation, Series circuit, Voltage sources in series Voltage divider rules, Parallel circuits, Current Divider Rule, Voltage Source in Parallel, Source Transformation, Series- Parallel circuits3
4Delta-Star And Star-Delta Transformation2
 D.C Network Theorems, Superposition,  Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power Transfer4
No.ME 118 Arabic Language Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1University requirements 
No.ME 119 Educational Sport Theory :    0hr./ Week Tutorial:   2hrs./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1University requirements 
No.ME 121 Mathematics (2) Theory :    3hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hrs./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Hyperbolic functions and inverse Hyperbolic functions2
2Principle of integration2
3Methods of integration6
4Application of definite integrals3
5Complex numbers2
No.ME 122 Static Mechanics (2) Theory :    3hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hrs./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Structures Frames And Machines 3
2Distributed Forces Introduction, Center Of Mass, Centroids Of Lines ,Areas , And Volumes , Composite Bodies And Figures: Approximation ,Theorems Of Pappus ,Beams-External Effects , Flexible Cables6
3Friction  Introduction, Types Of Friction,  Dry Friction , Wedges 6
No.ME 123 Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (2) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Engineering drawing:  Isometric drawing &sketching , Oblique drawing , cutting ,Section of isometric drawing , sectional view Descriptive geometry:  Represent of plan ,Revalued of plan, Auxiliary plan(9 position) , position of parallel intersection of perpendicular cutting plane, determine of intersection curve development15
No.ME 124 Manufacturing process (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Hand tools, Metal working, such as turning, drilling, Milling and grinding Hot working, Cold working4
2Forming by dragging and extrusion, Formation by rotating , Formation by hot pressing, Properties and production of plastics, Methods of manufacture of plastics5
3Metals welding methods, Gas welding , electrical resistance welding, Cold welding4
4Industrial safety and material transfer, The use of machinery and equipment and the workplace2
No.ME 125 Engineering Metallurgy (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Ferrous Alloy (Iron-Carbon):- Fe-C Equilibrium Diagram, Carbon Steel Classification structure and Applications, Cast Iron, Steels Designation5
2Heat Treatment Of Steels: Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening, Tempering, Austenite Transformation, TTT Diagrams, Case Hardening Of Steel, The Concept Hardenability5
3Alloy Steel And Applications5
No.ME 126 Electrical Engineering (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1A.C Fundamental Wave From Equations Average And P.M.S. Values, From Reactors/Peek Factor3
2Application Of Network Theorems In A.C. Circuits,( Thevenin, superposition theorem Maxwell, Kirich, Off Low)3
3Resonance (Series And Parallel ) Half Power Frequencies, Q-Factor Calculations3
4Magnetic Circuits, Formation Of A Magnetic Circuit, B-H-Relation, Calculation Of Mmf In A Magnetic Circuits 3
5Transformers Single Phase Transformers. Electrical Equivalent Circuit. Voltage Phaser Diagram, Voltage Regulation, Efficiency3
No.ME 127 Computer programming (1) Theory :    1hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hrs/ Week Practical:  2hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Fortran programming preliminaries, Fortran contents and variables3
2Arithmetic expression2
3Input-output statements, control statements and statement subscripted variables3
4Elementary format specifications logical expression, and decision table2
5Functions and subroutines2
6Processing files in variables, character manipulation in Fortran3
No.ME 128 Freedom and Human rights Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Origins of civil rights and freedom, including: legislation for civil rights, understanding civil rights, philosophy of civil rights, economical conception of civil rights, etc1
2Legal basis for the rule of law1
3General Freedoms guarantee2
4Basic Freedoms and basic civil rights2
5Freedom of movement of people1
6Freedom of thought, opinion &belief1
7Freedom of labor, etc.1
8Freedom of owning property, capitalistic & socialist understanding of ownership2
9Freedom of trade and industry including constitutional requirements, commercial freedom, etc.1
10Other Freedoms including, forming political parties, third world application of civil rights, advances in scientific& technical aspects of civil rights1
No.ME 129 English Language (1) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Basic introduction1
2Reading skills6
3Listening skills4
4Making notes during lectures4
No.ME 211 Mathematics (3) Theory :    3hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Function of several variable: Graph or Drawing of several variables functions, First Order Equations, Second Order Equations, Limit and Continuity.3
2Partial Derivatives: First order partial derivative with constrained variables, Second order partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem, linearization, Error in the standard linear approximation, Total differential.   3
3Chain Rule: Chin rule for function of two intermediates and one independent variable, Chin rule for function of three intermediates and one independent variable, Chin rule for function of two independents variables and three intermediates variables,1
4Extreme values: Extreme values and saddle points, Absolute maximum and minimum on closed bonded region, The local maximum and minimum with constraints. 3
5Double Integrals: Application of double integrals, Area, volume, Average value, Mass, First moment and center of mass, Moment of inertia, Radii of gyration, Centroid of geometric figure, Double integration in polar.4
6Tribal Integral1
No.ME 212 Dynamic Mechanics (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction To Dynamics: History And Modern Applications, basic Concepts ,Newton’s Laws, Units, Gravitation, Dimensions, Solving Problems In Dynamics1
2Kinematics Of Particles Introduction, Rectilinear Motion, Plane Curvilinear Motion, Rectangular Coordinates (X-Y), Normal And Tangential Coordinates(N-T), Polar Coordinates (R-), Relative Motion(Translating Axes), Constrained Motion Of Connected Particles4
3Kinetics Of Particles: Introduction, Newton’s Second Law, Equation Of Motion And Solution Of  Problems, Rectilinear Motion, Curvilinear Motion, Work And Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Introduction, Linear Impulse And Linear Momentum, Angular Impulse And Angular, Momentum, Relative Motion5
4Kinetics Of Systems Of Particles Introduction, Generalized Newton’s Second Law, Work-Energy, Impulse-Momentum, Conservation Of Energy And Momentum5
No.ME 213 Mechanical Drawing (1) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Connectivity Tools: Bolts and Nuts, Keys and Their Types, pins, Rivets, Springs3
2Welding : Welding and Its use In Assembly2
3Tolerances and Fittings: Define, ISO System, Tolerances, Fittings2
4Gears : Gears and Their Types, cylindrical Gears, Bevel Gears, Worm And Wormwheel, Cams, Belt and Chains,3
5Assembly: Mechanical Assembly, Mechanical Dis-Assembly, Auxiliary Views, sections5
No.ME 214 Strength of Materials (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1SIMPLE STRESS AND STRAIN : Introduction, Analysis Of Internal Forces, Normal, Shear And Bearing Stresses, Hooks Law And Stress-Strain Diagram, Poisson’s Ratio Statically Indeterminate Members, Thermal Stresses5
2THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS: Introduction, Hoop or circumferential stress, Longitudinal Stress, Changes In Dimensions2
3TORSION: Introduction, Derivation Of Torsion Formulas , Flanged Bolt Couplings2
4SPRINGS: Introduction, Helical springs , Leaf springs2
5SHEAR AND MOMENT IN BEAMS Introduction, Shearing Force And Bending Moment Diagrams, Relation Between Load ,Shear And Moment4
No.ME 215 Thermodynamics (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction, Definition /Force/Pressure, Energy/Resources4
2Heat/Work/Power, Internal Energy/Enthalpy/Zeroth Law &Thermodynamics , Temperature And Its Measurement4
3First Law Of Thermodynamics/Perpetual Motion Machine1
4Boyles Law/Charles Law, Equation Of State /Closed-System Processes2
5Constant Volume Pressure And  Temperature Processes1
5Adiabatic And Polytrophic Processes1
7Open –System Processes/Steady-Flow Energy Equation, Application Of Steady Flow Energy Equation2
No.ME 216 Fluid Mechanics (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1General introduction to fluid mechanics and its Properties3
2Fluid static and pressure Application3
3Forces on immersed bodies and surfaces3
4Accelerated fluid and relative motion2
5Equilibrium of floating bodies2
6Introduction to fluid motion & Continuity equation2
No.ME 217 Computer Programming (2) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to MathCad2
2Programming statements3
3Inputs and outputs2
4Functions and differential equations2
5Drawing and Engineering applications6
No.ME 221 Mathematics (4) Theory :    3hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Ordinary Differential Equation: First order differential equations, Separable, Homogenous, Exact, linear, Special m Bernoulli equation , Riccati equation, clairant equation., Second order differential equation.    2
2vectors: Vector in plan, Vector in space, Vector Product, Cross product, Triple Product, Distance in space, Line in  the plan, The distance from point to a line, Tangent plane and normal line, Equation for plane.         3
3The parametric equation for ideal projectile motion:2
4Vector function and motion: The derivative of a vector function, Derivative of dot products and cross products, Derivatives of vectors constant length, Integral of vector function, Direct distance and the unit tangent vector, Curvature, Unit normal vector. 3
5Infinite sequences and Infinite series  : Converge and Diverge, limit, Hospital’s rule, Geometric series, Anon-geometric but telescoping series, The nth term test for divergence, Harmonic series, Integrate test, Compression test, Raito test, Root test, Alternating series, Absolute convergence.  3
6Power series: Term – by – Term differentiation, Term – by – Term integration, Taylor and Maclaurin series, Taylor Polynomial of order (n).2
No.ME 222 Dynamic Mechanics (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Plane Kinematics Of Rigid Bodies: Introduction, Rotation, Absolute Motion, Relative Velocity, Instantaneous Center Of Zero Velocity, Ralative Acceleration5
2Plane Kinetics Of Rigid Bodies: Introduction, General Equations Of Motion, Translation, Fixed-Axis Rotation, General Plane Motion, Work-Energy Relations, Impulse-Momentum Equations6
3Introduction To Three-Dimensional Dynamics Of Rigid Bodies, Introduction , Translation, Fixed –Axis Rotation, Parallel-Plane Motion, Rotation About A Fixed Point, General Motion4
No.ME 223 Mechanical Drawing (2) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Sketch:- Program Interface, Sketch Entities, Sketch Tools, 3D Sketch, Dimensions, Relations, Applications4
2Isometric Parts:- Reference Geometries, Extrude, Revolve, Applications2
3Isometric Parts:- Sweep, Loft, Applications2
4Curves:- Composite curves, Projected curves, Helix, Edit Features:- Fillet, Chamfer, Shell, Dome,  Rib, Applications2
5Assembly:- Standard Mates, Applications, Mechanical Mates,  Applications3
6Drawing Project:- Projects, Sections, Applications                    2
No.ME 224 Strength of Materials (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1STRESSES IN BEAMS: Introduction, Derivation Of Flexural Formula , Unsymmetrical Beams2
2DEFLECTION OF BEAMS: Introduction, Double-integration method , Theorems of area-moment method 2
3COMBINED STRESSES: Introduction, Variation Of Stress With Inclination Of Element, Analytical Derivation, Mohr’s Circle , Application Of Mohr’s Circle To Combined Loadings, Transformation Of Strain Components , Relation Between Modules Of Elasticity And Modulus Of Rigidity2
4STRAIN ENERGY: Introduction, Strain Energy – Tension Or Compression,  Strain Energy –Shear, Strain Energy –Bending, Strain Energy – Torsion, Castigliano’s First Theorem For Deflection3
5COLUMNS: Introduction, Critical Load, Long Columns By Euler’s Formula 3
No.ME 225 Thermodynamics (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Reversible And Irreversible Processes, Heat Engine/Reversed Heat Engine, Heat Pump3
2Second Law Of Thermodynamics1
3Carnot Cycle, Reversed Carnot Cycle2
4Entropy/Clauses Inequality, Entropy In Reversed Processes, Entropy In Reversed Processes With Heat Transfer, Entropy In Irreversible  Processes With Heat Transfer5
5Reciprocating Compressor, Gas Mixtures /Dalton’s Law, Avogadro’s Law /Adiabatic Mixing Of Gases4
No.ME 226 Fluid Mechanics  (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Equations of motions and their applications2
2Dimensional analysis and similarity2
3Motion of viscous fluids in conduits/ and definition of boundary layer, Friction losses in pipes4
4Measurements of fluid flow2
5Analysis of piping system3
6Introduction to lubrication2
No.ME 227 Computer Programming (3) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to Matlab2
2Programming statements3
3Inputs and outputs2
4Functions and differential equations2
5Drawing and Engineering applications6
No.ME 228 English Language (2) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
2Principles of academic writing6
3Preparing for English tests4
No.ME 311 Machine Elements Design (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction The Meaning Of Design, Mechanical Engineering Design, Design Consideration, Safety Factors, Codes of Standards, Economics, Reliability, Units Stress Analysis Mohr’s Circle, Triaxle Stresses, Uniformly Distributed Stresses, Elastic Strain Relations, Shear And Moment, Normal Stresses In Bending, Shear Stresses In Beams, Torsion Stresses In Cylinders Design For Static Strength Static Loads And Safety Factor, Failure Theories, Maximum Normal Stress Theory, Maximum Shear Stress Theory, Distortion Energy Theory, Failure Of Ductile Materials4
2Design Of Screws Fasteners And Connections Thread Standards And Definitions, Power Screws, Thread Stresses, Threaded Fasteners,  Bolted Joints (Tension, Compression), Torque Requirements, Bolts Preload, Selecting The Nut, Casketed Joints, Bolted Joints Loaded In Shear,4
3Welded, Brazed, And Bounded Joints Welding, Butt And Fillet Welds, Torsion In Welded Joints, Bending In Welded Joints, The Strength Of Welded Joints, Resistance Welding, Bonded Joints.3
4Mechanical Springs Stress In Helical Springs, Deflection of Helical Springs, Extension And Compression Springs, Springs Materials, Design Of Helical Springs, Critical Frequency, Fatigue Loading, Helical Torsion Springs, Belleville Spring, Miscellaneone Springs, Energy Storage Capacity4
No.ME 312 Theory of Machines (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Harmonic Motion, Angular Simple Harmonic Motion, Linear Motion Of An Elastic System, Angular Motion Of An Elastic System ,Deferential Equation Of Motion, Energy Method ,Simple Pendulum, Compound  Pendulum2
2Velocity And Acceleration: Velocities In Mechanisms :Relative Velocity Diagrams ,Velocity Diagram For A Block Sliding On A Rotating Link, Velocities In Mechanisms: Instantaneous Centre Method , Three –Centers –In Line Theorem , Rubbing Velocity At A Pin Joint, Forces In Mechanisms ,Crank And Connecting Rod: Graphical Construction For Velocity And Acceleration ,Graphical Construction For Velocity, Graphical Construction For Acceleration-Klein’s Construction, Crank And Connecting Rode: Analytical Determination Of Piston Velocity And Acceleration For Uniform Angular Velocity, Forces In Crank And Connecting Rod4
3Cams: Cams And Followers, Specified Motion Of Followers, Uniform Acceleration And Deceleration, Simple Harmonic Motion2
4Crank Effort Diagrams: Introduction ,Fluctuation Of Speed And Energy2
5Governors: Function Of Governor ,Dead Weight Governors Watt Governors, Porter Governors, Proell Governors2
6Balancing: Static And Dynamic Balance , Balancing Of Masses Rotating In The Same Plane ,Balancing Of Masses Rotating In Different Planes – Dalby’s Method , Dynamic Forces At Bearings3
No.ME 313 Internal Combustion Engines (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1I.C. Engines Classification    Engine components and basic engine nomenclature, I.C. Engines classifications, Four stroke SI Engines, Four stroke CI Engines, Two stroke Engines, Fundamental differences between SI Engines and CI engines, Application of IC Engines, First law analysis of engine cycle-energy balance.1
2Operating characteristic (Indicated and Effective values) Introduction, Engine Parameters, Work, Mean Effective Pressure,  Torque and Power, Air-Fuel Ratio and Fuel-Air Ratio, Specific Fuel Consumption,  Engine Efficiencies, Volumetric Efficiency  Emissions, Examples.2
3Air Standard Cycles Introduction, Ideal or air standard cycles, Useful thermodynamic relations, The Carnot cycle, Stirling cycle, Lenoir cycle, Ericsson cycle,  The Otto cycle, The Diesel cycle, The dual combustion cycle, Comparison of Otto, Diesel, and dual combustion cycles, Illustrative Examples.2
4Thermo chemistry and Fuels Thermo Chemistry, Hydrocarbon Fuels-Gasoline, Some Common Hydrocarbon Components, Self-Ignition and Octane Number, Diesel fuel. 1
5Combustion Introduction, Chemical equilibrium, Combustion temperature, Adiabatic flame temperature, Liquid and gaseous combustion, Examples.3
6Mixture Preparation in S.I Engines Introduction, Carburetion, Mixture requirements for steady state operation, Distribution, Transient mixture requirements, A simple or elementary carburetor, Complete carburetor, Carburetor types.  Theory of simple carburetor, Illustrative Examples, Aircraft carburetor, Petrol injection, The Lucas petrol injection, Electronic fuel injection,  Advantage and disadvantage of petrol injection.3
7Fuel Injection  Introduction, Heat release pattern and fuel injection, Requirements of a diesel injection system, Types of injection systems, Fuel pump, Types of fuel injectors, Injection nozzles. Quantity of fuel per cycle, size of nozzle orifice, Spray formation. Spray direction, Injection timing.2
8Ignition Introduction, Ignition system requirements, Battery ignition system, Magneto ignition system, Ignition timing, Spark plugs, Disadvantage of conventional system, Electronic ignition system,  Factors affecting spark plug operation.1
No.ME 314 Heat Transfer (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction: conduction heat transfer ,  thermal conductivity, convection heat transfer, radiation heat transfer2
2Steady state heat conduction-one dimension: conduction through the walls, plane walls, radial cylinder systems,  overall heat transfer coefficient, critical thickness of insulation, heat sours systems, conduction-convections systems Heat transfer through extended surfaces (Fins),8
3Steady state heat conduction-Multi-dimensions: mathematical analysis of 2-D heat transfer, graphical analysis , conduction shape factor, numerical analysis2
4Unsteady-state heat conduction: lumped-heat-capacity system, transient heat flow in a semi- infinite solid, conduction boundary conditions, multidimensional systems, transient numerical method, graphical analysis3
No.ME 315 Engineering Analysis Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Complex Functions, Gamma Function, Beta Function, Error Function4
2Fourier Series: Euler Relation, Odd And Even  Function, Half  Range Expansion, Complex Fourier, Fourier  Integration4
3Laplac Transformation: Inverse Laplac Trans, Ode And Applications, Initial Value Problem4
4Partial Differential Equations: Equations Forming, Solution Of Wave Equations, Solution Of Heat Equations, Solution By Laplace Transformation3
No.ME 316 Gas Dynamics Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to Fluid machines2
2Principles of Similarity and Dimensional Analysis2
3Water Turbines3
4Rotodynamic Pumps2
5Compressors, Fans and Blowers2
6Gas Turbines2
7Principles of sustainability in Turbo machinery2
No.ME 317 Computer Aided Engineering (1)  Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to CAE, Hydrodynamic Flat plate boundary layer, Cloning the project3
2Flow past sphere, Analysis of dependent time external flow , Analysis the flow around Selig/Donovan airfoil3
3Rayleigh-Benard convection, Taylor-couette flow, Lmainar Internal flow, Turbulent internal flow, Forced convection for external flow, Heat exchanger6
4Determination of hydraulic resistance, Thermal boundary layer, Introduction to finite element analysis3
No.ME 318 Manufacturing Processes (3) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Advance Welding, Electrical Resistant Weld, Atomic-hydrogen Weld, Inert Gas  Weld, Electrical Beam Weld, Explosive  Weld3
2Metal Cutting /Cutting Tool, Cutting Time/Chip Formation , Cutting Cooling /Cutting Speed, Turning/Grinding/Milling/Shaping5
3Metal Working /Hot and Cold Working, Rolling, Forging / Extrusion, Drawing4
4Casting: Lost Foam Casting ,Shell Mold Casting, Investment Casting, Metal Mould, Dies, Die Casting, Slurry Casting, Continues Casting3
No.ME 319 English Language (3) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Writing assay, general structure of an assay6
2Examples for good and poor assays2
3 Useful skills for doing a research8
No.ME 321 Machine Elements Design (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Flexible Mechanical Elements Belts Flat-Belt Drives, V-Belts Roller Chine, Rope Drivers, Wire Rope3
2Rolling Contact Bearings Bearing Types Bearing Life, Bearing Load, Selection Of Ball And Straight Roller Bearings Selection Of Tapered Rollr Bearings, Lubrication, Mounting And Enclosure3
3Bearing And Lubrication Lubrication, Viscosity, Material Combinations In Sliding Bearings, Hydrodynamic Lubrication Theory, Design Of Hydrodynamic Bearings, Nonconforming Contacts, Radling Element Bearings, Failure Of Rolling Element Bearings, Selection Of Rolling Element Bearings, Bearing Mounting Details, Special Bearings, Case Study3
4Clutches And Brakes Types Of Clutches Brakes, Selection, Materials, Disk Clutches (Uniform Pressure, Uniform Wear), Disk Brakes, Drum Brakes, External Drum, Internal Drum)4
5Shafts Shaft design on strength basis, Shaft design on torsional rigidity basis, ASME Code for Shaft Design2
No.ME 322 Theory of Machines (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Balancing: Static And Dynamic Balance , Balancing Of Masses Rotating In The Same Plane ,Balancing Of Masses Rotating In Different Planes – Dalby’s Method ,Dynamic Forces At Bearings2
2Friction: Friction Between Dry Unlubricated Surfaces, Motion On A Horizontal Plane, Motion On An Inclined Plane, Motion Up  Plane, Motion Down Plane,Special Cases Of Motion On An Inclined Plane Force P Horizontal Force P Parallel To The Plane , Screw Threads ,Efficiency Of A Screw Threads, Modification For V-Threads, Overhauling Of A Machine ,3
3Friction Clutches Introduction, Plate Clutches, Cone Clutches, Centrifugal Clutches2
4Belt Drives And Band Brakes Ratio Of Belt-Tensions, Modification For V-Grooved Pulley, Effect Of Centrifugal Tension, Initial Tension2
5Spur Gearing Definitions ,Condition For Transmission Of Constant Velocity Ratio, Velocity Of Sliding ,Path Of Contact, Arc Of Contacted  Contact Ratio Interference, Rack And Pinion2
6Gear Trains Simple Trains, Compound Trains, Epicyclic Trains, Torques On Gear Trains,   Compound Epicyclic Trains2
7Computer  Aided Analysis And Synthesis of Mechanism Program for four bar mechanism, CAA for slider Crank Mechanism, Graphical synthesis for slider Crank Mechanism2
No.ME 323 Internal Combustion Engines (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines Introduction, Stages of combustion in S.I.E, Abnormal combustion, Ricardo’s theory of combustion chamber, Basic types of combustion chamber in S. I. Engines.2
2Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines Introduction, Combustion stages in C.I engines, Factors effecting on ignition delay, Type of combustion chamber in C.I engines.2
3Lubrication System in I.C Engines  Introduction, Lubrication principles, Function of lubrication, Properties of lubricating oil, Classification of lubricating oils. Oil Filters, Lubrication systems, Engine performance and lubrication.2
4Cooling System in IC Engines  Introduction, Necessity of Engine cooling, Air Cooling.Water Cooling, Comparison of air and water-cooling systems, Radiators.2
5Supercharging Introduction, Objects of supercharging, Thermodynamic cycle with supercharging, Supercharging of spark ignition engine, Supercharging of C.I engine, Supercharging limits, Methods of supercharging, Turbo charging, Methods of Turbo charging, Limitations of Turbo charging, Examples.3
6Rotary Engines Introduction, The working principle, Features of the rotary engines, Engine geometry, Combustion in rotary engines, Applications of rotary engines.1
7Air Pollution  Introduction, Pollutants from gasoline engines, Gasoline engine emission control, Diesel emission, Diesel smoke and control, Comparison of diesel and gasoline emissions, Air pollution from gas turbine.2
8Alternative Energy Sources  Introduction, Alternative fuels, Hybrid Engines, Fuel cells.1
No.ME 324 Heat Transfer (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Principles of convection: Laminar, boundary layer on a flat-plate, energy equation of the boundary layer, thermal boundary layer, the relation between fluid friction and heat transfer1
2forces convection systems:  forced convection, over walls, cylinders, boundary layers, forced convection inside pipes, rectangular cross sections3
3Natural convection systems : Natural convection on vertical, horizontal and inclined  walls, Natural convection on vertical, horizontal and inclined cylinders, free convection from spheres,  enclosed spaces  combined free and forced convection2
4Radiation heat transfer  physical mechanism,  radiation properties, radiation shape factors, heat exchange between black bodies, infinite parallel planes, radiation shields, gas radiation, radiation network for an absorbing and transmitting medium, radiation exchange with transmitting reflecting and absorbing media.3
5Heat exchangers: Overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factors, types of heat exchangers, LMTD method, -Ntu method, heat exchanger design, compact heat exchangers2
6Boiling and condensation condensation phenomena, condensation numbers, film condensation, boiling, simplified relations for boiling, design information2
7Mass transfer: fick’s law of diffusion, diffusion in gases, liquids and solids – mass-transfer coefficient2
No.ME 325 Numerical Analysis Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Numerical Method Introductions, Finite Method3
2Solution Method3
3Equations Of Difference3
4Numerical Solution Of P.D.F3
5Double Integration Method3
No.ME 326 Turbo machinery Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to Fluid machines2
2Principles of Similarity and Dimensional Analysis2
3Water Turbines3
4Rotodynamic Pumps2
5Compressors, Fans and Blowers2
6Gas Turbines2
7Principles of sustainability in Turbo machinery2
No.ME 327 Computer Aided Engineering (2)  Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
12D truss element, 2D truss element weldment profiles, 3D truss element weldment profiles3
2Basic beam, Beam analysis tools3
3Statically in determinate  structures, 2d surface analysis, H-element versus P-element , Mesh control3
43d solid element, 3d shell element, Dynamic model3
5Analysis project3
No.ME 328 Manufacturing Processes (4) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  2hrs./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Computer Aided Manufacturing: Numerical Control (NC), Computerized Numerical Control (CNC), Programming CNC Machines4
2Non-Traditional Machining: Ultrasonic Machining,  Water-jet  Machining, Abrasive Jet-Machining Magnetic Abrasive Finishing, Chemical  Machining, Electrochemical-Machining, Electrical Discharge Machining,  Laser Beam- Machining,  Electron Beam- Machining,  Plasma Beam –Machining.6
3Physical Vapor Deposition,  Chemical Vapor Deposition Electrophoretic Deposition, 3D-Printing3
4Powder Technology2
No.ME 411 Machines Design (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   2hrs./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Shafts, Keys, And Couplings: Shaft design on strength basis, Shaft design on torsional rigidity basis, Design of Hollow shafts on strength basis, Design of Hollow shafts on torsional rigidity basis, Keys, saddle keys, sunk keys, feather key, Woodruff key, Design of Square and flat keys, Design of Kennedy key Splines, Couplings, muff coupling, Design procedure for muff coupling, Clamp coupling,  Design procedure for  Clamp  coupling, Rigid flange coupling,  Design procedure for   Rigid flange coupling, Bush-Pin flexible coupling,  Design procedure for  Bush-Pin flexible coupling, Critical speed of shafts5
2Spur Gears: Gear Tooth Theory, Gear Tooth Nomenclature, Interference And Undercutting, Contact Ratio, Gear Trains, Loading, Stresses, AGMA Bending Fatigue, AGMA Surface Fatigue Lubrication Of Gearing, Design Of Spur Gears, Case Study5
3Helical, Bevel, And Worm Gears: Helical Gear Geometry, Forces, Virtual Number Of Teeth, Contact Ratio, Stress In Helical Gear, Bevel Gear Geometry And Nomenclature Bevel Gear Mounting, Force In Bevel Gears, Stresses In Bevel Gears, Worm Set (Materials And Lubrication, Forces, Geometry, Rating Methods,  Design Procedure),Case Study5
No.ME 412 Mechanical vibrations (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Oscillatory Motion: Harmonic Motion, Periodic Motion, Vibration Terminology2
2Free Vibration: Vibration Model, Equation Of Motion :Natural Frequency, Energy Method, Raleigh Method: Effective Mass, Principle Of Virtual Work, Viscously Damped Free Vibration, Logarithmic Decrement, Coulomb Damping2
3Harmonically Excited Vibration : Forced Harmonic Vibration, Rotating Unbalance ,Rotor Unbalance , Whirling Of Rotating Shafts, Support Motion, Vibration Isolation, Energy Dissipated By Damping ,Equivalent Viscous  Damping ,Structural Damping, Sharpness Of Resonance, Vibration –Measuring Instruments 3
4Transient Vibration: Impulse Excitation, Arbitrary Excitation, Laplace Transformer Formulation, Pluse Excitation And Rice Time, Shock Response Spectrum, Shock Isolation, Finite Difference Numerical Computation Rung-Kutta Method4
5Systems With Two Or More Degrees Of Freedom: The Normal Mode Analysis, Initial Conditions ,Coordinate Coupling, Forced Harmonic Vibration, Finite Difference Method For Systems Of Equations, Vibration Absorber, Centrifugal Pendulum Vibration Absorber, Vibration Damper4
No.ME 413 Power plants (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Thermodynamics Review: The First Law And The Open System, The First Law And The Closed System, The Cycle, Property Relationships, and The Second Law Of Thermodynamics, The Concept Of Entropy, Ideal Gas Relations, And The Carnot Cycle.2
2The Rankine Cycle: The Rankine Cycle: The Ideal Rankine Cycle, The Externally Irreversible Rankine Cycle, Superheat, Reheat, Regeneration, The Internally Irreversible Rankine Cycle, Direct -Contact Feed water Heaters ,Closed-Type Feed water Heaters With Drains Cascaded Backward, Closed-Type Feed water Heaters With Drains Pumped Forward, The Choice Of Feed water Heaters , Cogeneration.9
3Fossil-Fuel Steam Generators: The Fire-Tube Boiler, The Water-Tube Boiler, The Steam Drum ,Super- heaters and Reheaters ,Once-Through Boilers ,Economizers, Air Preheaters, Fans, The Stack. 4
No.ME 414 Air Conditioning Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Properties of Moist Air Psychrometric Terms, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures, Amagat Law of Partial Volumes, Mole Fractions of Component Gases, Molecular Mass of Mixture, Gibbs’ Theorem, Molecular Masses and Gas Constants for Dry Air and Water Vapour, Psychrometric Relations, Enthalpy (Total heat) of Moist Air, Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature or Adiabatic Saturation Temperature, Psychrometric Chart, Psychrometric Processes, Sensible Heating, Sensible Cooling, By-pass Factor of Heating and Cooling Coil, Efficiency of Heating and Cooling Coils, Humidification and Dehumidification, Sensible Heat Factor, Cooling and Dehumidification, Cooling with Adiabatic Humidification, Cooling and Humidification by Water Injection (Evaporative Cooling), Heating and Humidification, Heating and Humidification by Steam Injection, Heating and Dehumidification -Adiabatic Chemical dehumidification, Adiabatic Mixing of Two Air Streams,2
2Comfort Conditions Thermal Exchanges of Body with Environment, Physiological Hazards resulting from Heat, Factors affecting Human Comfort, Effective Temperature, Modified Comfort Chart, Heat Production and Regulation in Human Body, Heat and Moisture Losses from the Human Body, Moisture Content of Air, Quality and Quantity of Air, Air Motion, Cold and Hot Surfaces, Air Stratification, Factors Affecting Optimum Effective Temperature, Inside Summer Design Conditions2
3Cooling Load Estimation           Introduction, Components of a Cooling Load, Sensible Heat Gain through Building, Structure by Conduction, Heat Gain from Solar Radiation, Solar Heat Gain (Sensible) through Outside Walls and Roofs, Sol Air Temperature, Solar Heat Gain through Glass Areas, Heat Gain due to Infiltration, Heat Gain due to Ventilation, Heat Gain from Occupants, Heat Gain from Appliances, Heat Gain from Products, Heat Gain from Lighting Equipments, Heat Gain from Power Equipments, Heat Gain through Ducts,3
4Air-Supply Systems Introduction, Types of Fans, Centrifugal Fans, Axial Flow Fans, Total Pressure Developed by a Fan, Fan Air Power, Fan Efficiencies, Fan Performance Curves, Velocity Triangles for Moving Blades of a Centrifugal Fan, Work Done and Theoretical Total Head Developed by a Centrifugal Fan for Radial Entry of Air, Specific Speed of a Centrifugal Fan, Fan Similarly Laws, Fan and System Characteristic, Fans in Series, Fan in Parallel2
5Transmission and Distribution of Air Introduction, Classification of Ducts, Duct Material, Duct Shape, Pressure in Ducts, Continuity Equation for Ducts, Bernoulli’s Equation for Ducts, Pressure Losses in Ducts, Pressure Loss due to Friction in Ducts, Friction Factor for Ducts, Equivalent Diameter of a Circular Duct for a Rectangular Duct, Friction Chart for Circular Ducts, Dynamic Losses in Ducts, Pressure Loss due to Enlargement in Area and Static Regain, Pressure Loss due to Contraction in Area, Pressure Loss at Suction and Discharge of a Duct, Pressure Loss due to an Obstruction in a Duct, Duct Design, Methods for Determination of Duct Size, System Resistance, Systems in Series, Systems in Parallel, Distribution of Air, Room Air Distribution, Types of Supply Air Outlets, Mechanism of Flow through Outlet, Considerations for Selection and Location of Outlets, Distribution Patterns of Outlets, Locating Return Air Openings, Processing, Transmission and Distribution of in Clean Room, Filters, Conventional Flow Clean Rooms, Laminar Flow Clean Rooms3
6Design of Air-Conditioning Apparatus Introduction, Heat and Moisture Transfer in Air-Conditioning Apparatus, Enthalpy Potential, Surface Temperature and Direction of Process, Effective Surface Temperature, Numerical Procedure for Heat and Mass Transfer Calculations between Unsaturated Air and Wetted Surface, Coil Equipment-Design of Cooling and Dehumidification Coils, Air-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient, Diffusion Coefficient D and Mass-transfer Coefficient  kw Optimal Design of Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils, Six-Row Coil, Four-Row Coil, Spray Equipment-Design of Air Washers and Cooling Towers, Significance of Performance Coefficient       in Cooling  Tower Selection , Crossflow Cooling Tower3
No.ME 415 Industrial Engineering Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to Industrial Engineering) Concepts and objectives (.1
2Production Cost and cost controlling Techniques.1
3Technical and economic studies for project feasibility.1
3Operation research’s:  Transportation Problems, Assignment,3
4Maintenance and replacements, Material Requirement planning (M.R.P)., Work and time study, Plant (Project) Location.3
5History of quality, Introduction to quality control2
6Measurements of specification1
7Taguchi’s method for process improvement1
No.ME 416 Engineering Materials (1) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction to engineering materials Type of engineering materials, basic properties, comparing engineering materials, metallic engineering materials, growth of metal crystals, solid solutions, phase diagrams, dislocations, movement of dislocations.2
2Materials properties Mechanical properties, physical properties, thermal properties, electrical properties, magnetic properties, optical properties, properties data, data sources, using properties data.2
3Materials testing Tensile test, bend tests, impact tests, toughness test, hardness, electrical tests, chemical property tests, magnetic properties4
4Nano-materials What is Nano? Size effect, surface area, nanoparticles, nanostructures, , effect of nanosize on materials’ behaviors and properties, Nanomaterials, carbon nanotube, synthesis and manufacturing of nanomaterials.4
5Non –ferrous alloys Aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys zinc alloys copper alloys, nickel alloys, cobalt alloys, titanium alloys, refractory alloys, precious alloys.3
No.ME 417 Measurements & Instrumentation Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Generalized Configurations And Functional Descriptions Of Measuring Instruments Functional Elements Of An Instrument, Active And Passive Transducers, Analog And Digital Modes Of Operation, Null And Deflection Methods, Methods Of Correction For Interfering And Modifying Input,2
2Generalized Performance Characteristics Of Instruments Static Characteristics, Meaning Of Static Calibration. Accuracy, Precision, And Bias .Combination Of Component Error In Overall System –Accuracy Calculations. Addition Subtraction Multiplication And Division .Static Sensitivity. Linearity .Threshold, Resolution ,Hysteresis ,And Dead Space. Scale Readability .Span. Generalized Static Stiffness And Input Impedance .Computer-Aided Calibration And Measurement2
3Motion And Dimensional Measurement Fundamental Standards, Relative Displacement, Translational And Rotational , Calibration ,Resistive Potentiometers ,Resistance Strain Gages ,Differential Transformers, Synchros And Induction Potentiometers, Variable-Inductance ,And Variable –Reluctance Pickups, Eddy-Current No contacting Transducers ,Electro- Optical Devices, Photographic, Videotape ,And Holograph Techniques ,Photo Elastic, Brittle- Coating And Moiré Fringe Stress –Analysis Techniques ,Displacement-To Pressure (Nozzle-Flapper) Transducer ,Digital Displacement Transducers, (Translational And Rotary Encoders ),Ultrasonic Transducers, Relative Velocity ,Translational And Rotational Calibration ,Velocity By Electrical Differentiation Of Displacement Voltage Signals ,Average Velocity From Measured And Mechanical Fly Ball Angular  – Velocity Sensor ,Mechanical Revolution Counters And Times ,Magnetic And Photoelectric Pulse-Counting Methods, Stroboscopic Methods ,Translational –Velocity Transducers (Moving-Coil And Moving- Magment Pickup) Dc Tachometer Generators For Rotary –Velocity Measurement ,Ac Tachometer Generators For Rotary –Velocity Measurement, Eddy-Current Drag –Cup Tachometer, Relative –Acceleration Measurements, Seismic-(Absolute-) Displacement Pickups, Seismic-(Absolute-) Velocity  Pickups, Seismic-(Absolute-) Acceleration Pickups (Accelerometers) Deflection –Type Accelerometers, Null-Balance-(Servo-) Type Accelerometers , Accelerometers For Inertial Navigation ,Mechanical Loading Of Accelerometers On The Test object,, Calibration Of Vibration Pickups, Jerk Pickups,       Pendulous (Gravity-Referenced) Angular-Displacement Sensors, Gyroscopic (Absolute) Angulare –Displacement And Velocity Sensors, Coordinate-Measuring Machines, Surface- Finish Measurement, Machines Vision3
4Force ,Torque ,And Shaft Power Measurement Standards And Calibration, Basic Methods Of Force Measurement, Characteristics Of Elastic Force Transducers, Bonded –Strain –Gage Transducers ,Differential-Transformer Transducers, Piezoelectric Transducers, Variable –Reluctance Fm –Oscillator Digital Systems ,Loading Effects, Resolution Of Vector Forces And Moments In to Rectangular Components, Torque Measurement On Rotating Shafts, Shafts Power Measurement (Dynamometer), Gyroscopic Forces And Torque Measurement, Vibrating –Wire Force Transducers2
5Pressure And Sound Measurement Standards And Calibration, Bask Methods Of Pressure Measurement, Dead Weight Gages And Manometer Dynamics, Elastic Transducers, Force- Balance And Vibrating –Cylinder Transducers, Dynamic Effects Of Volumes And Connecting Tubing Liquid System, Heavily Damped ,Fast –Acting ,Gas System  With Tube Volume Comparable To Chamber ,The Infinite –Line Pressure Probe, Dynamic Testing Of Pressure –Measuring Systems, High- Pressure Measurement, Low – Pressure( Vacuum)  Measurement, Mel Cod Gage ,Knudsen Gage Momentum –Transfer (Viscosity) Gage , Thermal –Conductivity Gages ,Ionization Gages, Dual-Gage Technique, Sound  Measurement, Sound –Level Meter, Microphones, Pressure Response Of A Capacitor Microphone, Acoustic Intensity, Acoustic Emission, Pressure-Signal Multiplexing Systems2
6Flow  Measurement Local Flow Velocity, Magnitude And Direction From Flow Visualization Velocity Magnitude From Pitot –Static Tube. Velocity Direction From Yaw Tube Pivoted Vane, And Servoed  Sphere .Dynamic Wind-Vector Indicator .Hot –Wire And Hot- Film Anemometers. Hot- Film Shock –Tube Velocity Sensors .Laser Doppler Velocimeter, Groos Volume Flow Rate, Calibration And Standards .Constant –Area, Variable-Drop Meter (” Obstruction” Meters ) Averaging Pitot Tubes. Constant –Pressure- Drop, Variable –Area Meters (Rota Meters). Turbine Meters .Metering Pumps. Electromagnetic Flow Meters. Drag –Force Flow Meters. Ultrasonic Flow Meters. Vortex –Shedding Flow Meters. Miscellaneous Topics, Gross Mass Flow Rate, Volume Flow Meter Plus Density Measurement . Direct Mass Flow, Meters1
7Temperature And Heat –Flux Measurement Standards And Calibration, Thermal –Expansion Methods, Bimetallic Thermometers. Liquid –In- Glass Thermometers. Pressure Thermometers, Thermoelectric Sensors (Thermocouple), Common Thermocouple. Reference –Junction Considerations. Special Material, Configurations , Technigues, Electrical –Resistance Sensor, Conductive Sensors  (Resistance Thermometers  ) Bulk Semiconductor Sensors (Thrmistors), Junction Semiconductor Sensors, Digital Thermometers, Radiation Methods, Radiation Fundamentals . Radiation Detectors .Unchopped (DC) Broad Band Radiation Thermometers .Chopped (AC) Selective –Band (Photon) Radiation Thermo Meters ,Automatic Null –Balance Radiation Thermometers . Monochromatic-Brightness Radiation Thermometer (Optical Pyrometers) . Two Color Radiation Thermometers. Blackbody –Tipped Fiber –Optic Radiation Thermometer. Infrared Imaging Systems. Fluoroptic Temperature Measurement, Temperature –Measurement Problems In Flowing Fluids Conduction Error .Radition Error .Velocity Effects, Dynamic Response Of Temperature Sensors, Dynamic Compensation Of Temperature Sensors, Heat- Flux Sensors Slug- Type Sensors. Steady-State Or Asymptotic Sensors (Gardon Gage).2
8Miscellaneous Measurements Time, Frequency, And Phase-Angle Measurement, Liquid Level, Humidity, Chemical Composition, Particle Instruments And Clean –Room Technology, Micro-Machined Silicon And Quartz Sensors, Fiber- Optic Sensors1
No.ME 418 English Language (4) Theory :    1hr./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Academic writing skills5
2Skills of writing a report, advanced skills with Microsoft word5
3Plagiarism, referencing and citations3
4Strengthen your report skills 2
No.ME 421 Machines Design (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   2hrs./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Design for fatigue: Design Against Fluctuating Load, Stress Concentration, Stress Concentration Factors, Reduction of Stress Concentration, Fluctuating Stress, Endurance Limit, Low-cycle and High-cycle Fatigue, Notch Sensitivity, Endurance Limit-Approximate Estimation4
2Reversed Stress-Design for Finite and Infinite Life: Cumulative Damage in Fatigue, Soderberg and Goodman Lines, Modified Goodman Diagrams, Gerber Equation3
3Fatigue Design under Combined Stress: Impact Stresses, Structural features of fatigue, Factors influencing fatigue properties3
4Shafts: Reversed Bending And Steady Torsion, The Soderberg Approach, Goodman Approach, A General Approach, The Sines Approach3
5Case study:  Transmission shafts Design Case study: Mechanical Springs under Fatigue Loading Case study: Bolted Joint under Fluctuating Load2
No.ME 422 Mechanical vibrations (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Properties Of Vibrating System: Flexibility Influence Coefficients ,Reciprocity Theorem ,Stiffness Influence  Coefficients ,Stiffness Matrix Of Beam Elements, Static Condensation For Pinned Joints, Orthogonality Of Eigenvectors, Modal Matrix, Decoupling Forced Vibration Equations ,Modal Damping In Forced Vibration ,Normal Mode Summation, Equal Roots, Unrestrained (Degenerate) System3
2Lagrange’s Equation: Generalized Coordinates, Virtual Work, Lagrange’s Equation kinetic Energy ,Potential Energy,And Generalized Coordinates Q Assumed Mode Summation4
3Vibration Of Continuous System: Vibrating String,Longitudinal Vibrationof Rode,Torsional Vibration Of Rods,Vibration Of Suspensions Bridges , Eular Equation For Beams ,System With Repeated Identical Sections, Mode Summation Method, Normal Modes Of Constrained Structures,Mod-Acceleration Method, Component-Mode Synthesis4
4Robotics Analysis: Introduction to Robotic Arm, Rigid body analysis, flexible Analysis.3
No.ME 423 Power plants (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1The Condensate-Feed water System:: Direct-Contact Condensers, Surface Condensers. Boiler Makeup.1
2The Circulating-Water System: The Circulating-Water System: System Classification, Cooling Towers (natural and forced draft), Wet-Cooling Tower, Dry-Cooling Towers, Cooling Lakes And Ponds , Spray Ponds and Canals.3
3Gas Turbine And Combined Cycles: Gas Turbine, The Ideal Brayton Cycle, The Non-ideal Brayton Cycle, Combined Cycles With Heat –Recovery Boiler, The Combined Cycle Power plant, Combined Cycles With Multi-pressure Steam.6
4Nuclear power plant: Principle of Nuclear Power plant, Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), Boiling –Water Reactor (BWR), Breeder Reactor.2
5Power plant and Renewable Energy Resources Fuel. Solar Thermal Power plant, Hydropower plant, Geothermal Power plant, Wind Power plant, Ocean Power plant.2
6Power plant and Demand: Introduction, Principle for Power plant operation and Demand Analysis.1
No.ME 424 Refrigeration Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Air Refrigeration Cycles Introduction, Units of Refrigeration, Coefficient of Performance of a Refrigerator, Difference Between a Heat Engine, Refrigerator and Heat Pump, Open Air Refrigeration Cycle, Closed or Air Refrigeration Cycle, Air Refrigerator Working on Reversed Carnot Cycle, Temperature Limitations for Reversed Carnot Cycle, Air Refrigerator Working on a Bell- Coleman Cycle (or Reversed Brayton or joule Cycle)1
2Air Refrigeration Systems Introduction, Methods of Air Refrigeration Systems, Simple Air Cooling System, Simple Air Evaporative Cooling system, Boot-strap Air Cooling System, Boot-strap Air Evaporative Cooling System, Reduced Air Cooling System, Regenerative Air Cooling System, Comparison of Various Air Cooling Systems used for Aircraft1
3Simple Vapor Compression Refrigeration Systems Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages of Vapour Compression and Air Refrigeration Systems, Mechanism of a Simple Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, Pressure-Enthalpy (p-h) Chart, Types of Vapour Compression Cycles, Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle with Dry Saturated Vapour after Compression, Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle with Wet Vapour after Compression, Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle, with Superheated Vapour after Compression, Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle with Superheated Vapour before Compression, Theoretical Vapour Compression Cycle with Undercooling or Subcooling of Refrigerant, Actual Vapour Compression Cycle, Effect of Suction Pressure, Effect of Discharge Pressure, Improvements in Simple Saturation Cycle, Simple Saturation Cycle with Flash Chamber, Simple Saturation Cycle with Accumulator or Pre-cooler, Simple Saturation Cycle with Sub-cooling of Liquid Refrigerant by Vapour Refrigerant, Simple Saturation Cycle with Sub-cooling of Liquid Refrigerant by Liquid Refrigerant,1
4Compound Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems Introduction, Advantages of Compound (or Multi-stage) Vapour Compression with Intercooler, Types of Compound Vapour Compression with Intercooler, Two Stage Compression with Liquid Intercooler, Two Stage Compression with Water Intercooler and Liquid Sub- cooler, Two Stage Compression with Water Intercooler, Liquid Sub-cooler and Liquid Flash Chamber, Two Stage Compression with Water Intercooler, Liquid Sub-cooler and Flash Intercooler, Three Stage Compression with Water Intercoolers, Three Stage Compression with Flash Chambers, Three Stage Compression with Flash Intercoolers, Three Stage Compression with Multiple Expansion Valves and  Flash Intercoolers1
5Multiple Evaporator and Compressor Systems Introduction, Types of Multiple Evaporator and Compressor Systems, Multiple Evaporators at the Same Temperature with Single Compressor and Expansion Valve, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Single Compressor, Individual Expansion Valves and Back Pressure Valves, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Single Compressor, Multiple Expansion Valves and Back Pressure Valves, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Individual Compressors and Individual Expansion Valves, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Individual Compressors and Multiple Expansion Valves, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Compound Compression and Individual Expansion Valves, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Compound Compression, Individual Expansion Valves and Flash Intercoolers, Multiple Evaporators at Different Temperatures with Compound Compression, Multiple Expansion Valves and Flash Intercoolers2
6Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems Introduction, Simple Vapour Absorption System Practical Vapour Absorption System ,Advantages of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System over Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Coefficient of Performance of an Ideal Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System, Domestic Electrolux (Ammonia Hydrogen) Refrigerator, Lithium Bromide Absorption Refrigeration System1
 Refrigerants Introduction, Desirable Properties of an Ideal Refrigerant Classification of Refrigerants Halo-carbon Refrigerants ,Azeotrope Refrigerants ,Inorganic Refrigerants, Hydro-carbon Refrigerants, Designation System for Refrigerants Comparison of Refrigerants, Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants, Chemical Properties of Refrigerants Physical Properties of Refrigerants, Secondary Refrigerants – Brines,1
 Refrigerant Compressors Introduction, Classification of Compressors, Important Terms, Reciprocating Compressors, Work Done by a Single Stage Reciprocating Compressor, Work Done by a Single Stage, Single Acting Reciprocating Compressor without Clearance Volume, Power Required to Drive a Single Stage Reciprocating Compressor, Work Done by Reciprocating Compressor with Clearance Volume, Volumetric Efficiency of a Reciprocating Compressor, Factors Effecting Volumetric Efficiency of a Reciprocating Compressor, Overall or Total Volumetric Efficiency of a Reciprocating Compressor, Multi-stage Compression, Advantages of Multi-stage Compression, Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor with Intercooler, Assumptions in Two Stage Compression with Intercooler, Intercooling of Refrigerant in a Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor, Work Done by a Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor with Intercooler, Minimum Work Required for a Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor, Performance Characteristics of Refrigerant Reciprocating Compressor, Hermetic Sealed Compressors, Rotary Compressors, Centrifugal Compressors ,Advantages and Disadvantages of Centrifugal Compressors over Reciprocating Compressors, Capacity Control of Compressors, Capacity Control for Reciprocating Compressors, Capacity Control of Centrifugal Compressors, Comparison of Performance of Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors        2
 Condensers Introduction, Working of a Condenser, Factors affecting the Condenser Capacity, Heat Rejection Factor, Classification of Condensers, Air Cooled Condensers, Types of Air-Cooled Condensers, Water Cooled Condensers, Types of Water Cooled Condensers, Comparison of Air-Cooled and Water Cooled Condensers, Fouling Factor, Heat Transfer in Condensers, Condensing Heat Transfer Coefficient, Air-side Coefficient, Water-side Coefficient, Finned Tubes, Evaporative Condensers, Cooling Towers and Spray Ponds, Capacity of Cooling Towers and Spray Ponds, Types of Cooling Towers, Natural Draft Cooling Towers, Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers, Forced Draft Cooling Towers, Induced Draft Cooling Towers1
 Evaporators Introduction, Working of an Evaporator, Capacity of an Evaporator, Factors Affecting the Heat Transfer Capacity of an Evaporator, Heat Transfer in Evaporators, Heat Transfer During Boiling, Heat Transfer Coefficient for Nucleate Pool Boiling, Fluid Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, Types of Evaporators, Bare Tube Coil Evaporators, Finned Evaporators, Plate Evaporators, Shell and Tube Evaporators, Shell and Coil Evaporators, Tube-in-Tube or Double Tube Evaporators, Flooded Evaporators, Dry Expansion Evaporators, Natural Convection Evaporators, Forced Convection Evaporators, Frosting Evaporators, Non-frosting Evaporators, Defrosting Evaporators, Methods of Defrosting an Evaporator, Manual Defrosting Method, Pressure Control Defrosting Method, Temperature Control Defrosting Method, Water Defrosting Method, Reverse Cycle Defrosting Method, Simple Hot Gas Defr osting Method, Automatic Hot Gas Defrosting Method, Thermobank Defrosting Method, Electric Defrosting Method,2
 Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration  Control Introduction, Basic Elements of Control, Detecting Elements, Bimetallic Elements, Bulb-and-Bellow Elements, Electric Resistance Elements, Electromagnetic Elements, Humidity Sensitive Elements, Some pressure Sensitive Elements, ActuatingElements, Electric Motors and Controls, Three-phase Induction Motors, Single-phase Induction Motors, Hermetically-Sealed Units, Thermal Overload Protection for Hermetically-Sealed Units, Control in Refrigeration Equipments, High and Low Pressure Cut-outs, Capacity Control of Reciprocating Compressors, Electrical Disturbances, Controlling  Room Conditions at Partial Load, On-off Control, Bypass Control Using Face and Bypass Dampers, Varying Flow of Water in Chilled- Water (C-W) Coil, Reheat Control, Volume Control, Induction System2
No.ME 425 Electrical Machines Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Electromagnetic: Basics, The magnetic circuits,  magnetic flux, magnetic flux density, faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, Magnetic reluctance , Magnetic field intensity ,  permeability2
2DC MACHINES:  Introduction, DC Generators, Description of machine parts,  Yoke,  Main poles,  Commutating poles,  Armature core,  Commutator,  Brushes holder2
3Machine Windings; E.M.F And M.M.F Developed General Review of Winding Arrangements, Commutator Winding , , Windings Factors.E.M.F.Produced By An Armature Windings ,M.M.F. Produced  By An Armature Windings2
4Type of  DC Generators,  Methods of  Excitation Separately excited generators, The open circuit characteristics, the external characteristics1
5Self-excited generators, series excited generator,  Shunt excited generators,2
6Direct- Current Commutator Machines: Schematic Representation, Commutation, Armature Reaction, Stator Windings , Construction And Out Put Equation ,Generator Characteristics, Equivalent Circuits And Transfer Functions ,Motor Characteristics: Speed And  Torque Control: General Machine Equations, Parallel Operation, Testing And Efficiency,2
7Transformers: The Transformer On No Load, The Transformer On Load, Construction And Windings , The Transforms For Three –Phase Circuits, Operational Features Of Various Three-Phase Transformer Arrangements ,Parallel Operation, Testing And Efficiency, Other Types Of Transformer2
No.ME 426 Engineering Materials (2) Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   0hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Ceramics: Ceramics properties, clay based products, engineering ceramics, glasses, cement, forming processes with ceramics, nanoceramics.3
2Polymers: Polymer structure, crystalline and amorphous polymers , properties of polymers, additives, changing polymers properties,  thermoplastics , thermosetting polymers, elastomers, forming processes with polymers, polymeric nanomaterials.3
3Composites: Metal matrix of composites, polymer matrix of composites, ceramic matrix of composites, fiber-reinforced materials, particle- reinforced materials dispersion-strengthened metals, laminates, forming processes with composites, Nano-composites.3
5Failure of material Fracture, type of facture , factors affecting  fracture,  fracture toughness, fatigue, fatigue tests , factors affecting fatigue properties, creep, creep data, creep with metals creep with polymers2
6Environmental stability of materials types of corrosion, corrosion prevention, the  Environmental stability of  polymers and ceramics2
7Selection of materials: Selection for properties, selection of processes, Selection criteria2
No.ME 427 Control Engineering Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  1hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Introduction To Automatic Controls Historical Development, Feedback Control System, System Representation,2
2Representation Of Control Components Operational Notation, Mechanical Components, Electrical Components, Series And Parallel Laws, Analogies, Scale Factors, Thermal Systems, Fluid System.2
3Representation Of Control Systems Linearization Of Nonlinear Functions, Linearization Of Operating Curves, Hydraulic Systems, Pneumatic Systems, Dc Motors, Ac Motors, Block –Diagram Algebra, Speed Control System, Generalized Feedback Control System.3
4Steady State Operation Steady State Analysis, Equilibrium, Proportional Control Systems, Integral Control Systems, Proportional Plus Integral Control System, Modes Of Control.1
5Transient Response Inverse Transformations, Complex Conjugate Zeros, Damping Ratio And Natural Frequency, Transient Response Specifications, General From Of Transient Response, Response To An External Disturbance, Impulse Response, Routh’s Stability Criterion, Summary.2
6The Root –Locus Method Significance Of Root Loci, Construction Of Loci, General Procedure, Loci Equations, Variation Of Parameters2
 Frequency-Response Methods Frequency Response, Logarithmic Representation, Evaluating The Gain, Equivalent Unity-Feedback System, Polar Plots,  And Circles, Correlation Between Transient And Frequency Response, Determining The Gain To Yield A Desired Mp1
 Nyguist criterion2
No.ME 428 Renewable Energy Theory :    2hrs./ Week Tutorial:   1hr./ Week Practical:  0hr./ WeekNumber of weeks
1Solar Energy: Extra-terrestrial Solar Radiation, Terrestrial Solar Radiation, Solar Radiation Calculations, Solar-Electric Conversion Systems, Solar-Thermal Central-Receiver Systems, The Heliostats, The Receiver, The Heat-Transfer System, The Thermal-Storage System, and Other Solar-Thermal Power Systems: Solar Ponds, Photovoltaic-Energy Conversion, Satellite Solar-Power Systems (SSPS), Solar Tower Plant.6
2Wind Energy:  History Of Wind Power , Principles Of Wind Power , Wind Turbine Principle , Site Characteristics , Wind Machine , The Horizontal Axis Wind Machine , The Vertical Axis Wind Machine, Betz Limit, Wind Turbine Operation.3
3Energy From The Oceans: Ocean Temperature Differences, Ocean Waves, Wave Motion, Energy And Power From Waves, Wave –Energy Conversion By Floats, High-Pressure Accumulator Wave Machines, Other Wave Machines, The Tides, The Simple Single-Pool Tidal System.2
4Hydropower Resource: Determination of The Useful Power, Waterwheels, Pelton turbines, Francis turbines, Kaplan turbines, Water pumps working as turbines.1
5Geothermal energy: Hydrothermal resources, Geo-pressurized resources, Enhanced Geothermal System or Hot dry rock (HDR), Geothermal Power Production, Operational And Environmental Problems, Vapor-Dominated Systems, and Liquid- Dominated Systems: Flashed Steam, Liquid- Dominated Systems: Total-Flow Concept, Direct Use of Geothermal Energy.2
6Energy Storage: Energy-Storage Systems, Pumped Hydro, Compressed-Air Storage, Energy Storage By Flywheels, Electrical Battery Storage, Thermal Sensible Energy, Latent Heat Energy Storage.1