First Year

Semester I

C.E.101Mathematics (I)313
C.E.105Engineering Mechanics (I)313
C.E.109Fundamentals of Computer & Programming  1122
C.E.113Engineering Drawing (I)242
C.E.117Probability and Statistics (I)22
C.E.121Engineering Materials Properties122
C.E.125Workshop Practice21
C.E.129Civil Engineering Fundamentals111
C.E.133Arabic Language 11
C.E.135English for Academic Purposes (I)22
C.E.137General Fitness2

Semester II

C.E.100Mathematics (II)313
C.E.104Engineering Mechanics (II)313
C.E.108Programming (I)1122
C.E.112Engineering Drawing (II)242
C.E.116Probability and Statistics (II)212
C.E.120Construction Materials1122
C.E.124Engineering Geology  212
C.E.132Freedom & Human Rights 11

Second Year

Semester I

C.E.201Mathematics (III)313
C.E205Strength of Material (I)313
C.E.209Programming (II)122
C.E.213Engineering Surveying (I)2123
C.E.217Fluid Mechanics (I)2123
C.E.221Building Construction (I)212
C.E.225Concrete Technology (I)223
C.E.229English for Academic Purposes (II)22

Semester II

C.E.200Mathematics (IV)313
C.E.204Strength of Materials (II)313
C.E.208Programming (III)122
C.E.212Engineering Surveying (II)2123
C.E.216Fluid Mechanics (II)2123
C.E.220Building Construction (II)212
C.E.224Concrete Technology (II)223
C.E.228Geomatic Engineering111

Third Year

Semester I

C.E.301Engineering Analysis 313
C.E.305Theory of Structures (I)313
C.E.309Soil Mechanics (I)2123
C.E.313Reinforced Concrete (I)313
C.E.317Environmental Engineering1122
C.E.321Project Management212
C.E.325Traffic Engineering111
C.E.329Irrigation & Drainage Engineering212
C.E.333English for Academic Purposes (III)22

Semester II

CodeSubjectHrs. /weekUnits
C.E.300Numerical Analysis223
C.E.304Theory of Structures (II)313
C.E.308Soil Mechanics (II)2223
C.E.312Reinforced Concrete (II)313
C.E.316Water Engineering313
C.E.320Engineering Economy212
C.E.324Geometric Road Design111
C.E.328Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (I)122

Fourth Year

Semester I

C.E.401Foundation Engineering (I)313
C.E.405Asphalt Technology223
C.E.409Concrete Design (I)313
C.E.413Steel Structure (I)212
C.E.417Wastewater Engineering313
C.E.421Estimation & Specifications212
C.E.431Elective topics in Structural Engineering111
C.E.429English for Academic Purposes (IV)22
C.E.433Engineering Project42

Semester II

C.E.400Foundation Engineering (II)313
C.E.404Pavement Design22
C.E.408Concrete Design (II)313
C.E.412Steel Structure (II)212
C.E.416Plumbing Engineering212
C.E.420Construction Methods 212
C.E.424Hydraulic structures212
C.E.428Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (II)21
C.E.433Engineering Project42
C.E.440Engineering Ethics11


First Year/ First Semester

C.E.101Mathematics (I)313
C.E.105Engineering Mechanics (I)313
C.E.109Fundamentals of Computer & Programming  1122
C.E.113Engineering Drawing (I)242
C.E.117Probability and Statistics (I)22
C.E.121Engineering Materials Properties122
C.E.125Workshop Practice21
C.E.129Civil Engineering Fundamentals111
C.E.133Arabic Language 11
C.E.135English for Academic Purposes (I)22
C.E.137General Fitness2
WeeksC.E.101 Mathematics (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1General Concepts, Slope, Graphing of functions. Cartesian Coordinates, Slope of a line, Equations and distances, Graphs of equations
2Limits and intervals, Continuity test, Domain and Range.
3Matrices, Elementary Operations with matrices and Vectors.
4Determinants and Properties, Transpose and inverse of matrices.
5Solution of system of equations using Gramer’s rule method.
6Complex Numbers, Introduction to complex numbers.
7Mathematical Operations for Complex Numbers, Argrand diagrams and product quotients.
8Demaiver’s Theorem, Powers and roots.
9Complex Functions, Properties and roots.
10Complex Functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation.
11Trigonometric and Inverse trigonometric functions, Properties, rules and graphing.
12Logarithmic and exponential functions Properties and rules.
13Hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic functions, Graphing, rules and properties.
14Derivatives of functions Rules of derivatives, Chain rule and implicit derivatives.
15Derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions, Rules of derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions.
WeeksC.E.105 Engineering Mechanics (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Introduction, course orientation, units, definitions and basic principles.
2Forces, forces resolution and combination in plane.
3Forces, forces resolution and combination in space.
4Rigid Body Force Systems, moment of a force about a point, moment of a force about an axis.
5Rigid Body Force Systems, couples, reduction of force and couple systems.
6Resultant of concurrent coplanar force system
7Resultant of parallel coplanar force system.
8Resultant of non-concurrent non parallel coplanar force system.
9Equilibrium of a Particles, free body and force diagrams; equilibrium of a particle.
10Equations of equilibrium, Equilibrium of a rigid body.
11Solving problem of equilibrium
12Solving problem of equilibrium
13Analysis of Structures
14Trusses: method of joints
15Trusses: method of sections
WeeksC.E.109 Fundamentals of Computer and Programing
1hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2hr. / Week2
1Computer definition: (Computer generation, computer components, numerical systems, algorithms and charts)
2File, definition, types and names, operating system (MS-DOS): Explain internal and external commands
3Introduction to WINDOWS, Desktop, using the mouse, My Computer, closing any open window, temporary closing
4Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)
5Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)
6Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)
7Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)
8Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)
9Microsoft office (Word, Excel and Power point)
10Computer oriented procedures
11Computer oriented procedures
12Flow charts
13Computer oriented procedures
14Flow charts
15Introduction to programming language
WeeksC.E.113 Engineering Drawing (I)
2hr. / Week4hr. / Week2
1Graphic instruments and their use and arabic and Latin lettering  
2Drawing of all types of lines     
3Drawing of all types of lines     
4Geometrical operation   
5Geometrical operation   
6Drawing of Projections             
7Drawing of Projections             
8Drawing of Projections              
9Drawing of Projections             
10Collection of isomeric shapes   
11Collection of isomeric shapes   
12Collection of isomeric shapes   
13Collection of isomeric shapes   
14Drawing of sections      
15Drawing of sections      
WeeksC.E.117 Probability and Statistics (I)
2hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2
1Introduction and definitions
2Introduction and definitions
3Data collection and summarizing
4Data collection and summarizing
5Graphical presentations
6Graphical presentations
7Location and desperation measurement, applications and examples
8Location and desperation measurement, applications and examples
9Location and desperation measurement, applications and examples
10Location and desperation measurement, applications and examples
11Theory of probabilities, application and examples
12Theory of probabilities, application and examples
13Theory of probabilities, application and examples
14Theory of probabilities, application and examples
15Theory of probabilities, application and examples
WeeksC.E.121 Engineering Material properties
1hrs./ Week2hr. / Week2
1Mechanical properties of materials
2Mechanical properties of materials
3Mechanical properties of materials
4Rocks composition of materials
5Rocks composition of materials
6Rocks composition of materials
7Rocks composition of materials
8Chemical properties of materials
9Chemical properties of materials
10Chemical properties of materials
11Heat and sound properties of materials
12Heat and sound properties of materials
13Heat and sound properties of materials
14Electrical properties of materials
15Electrical properties of materials
WeeksC.E.125 Workshops
2hr. / Week1
15The workshop training program is designed to satisfy the following objectives: Teaching safety rules and regulations on-site in an industrial environment.Proper use of working tools, instruments, and machines.Introducing basic workshop practices, production, labor, and time-requirements of workshop operations.The students are introduced to training programs in many workshops including electrical, welding, turning and milling, carpentry, plumbing, auto-mechanics.
WeeksC.E.129 Civil Engineering Fundamentals
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week1
1Introduction to Civil Engineering
2Engineering Ethics
3Engineering Ethics
4Structural Engineering Fundamentals
5Structural Engineering Fundamentals
6Foundation  Engineering Fundamentals
7Foundation  Engineering Fundamentals
8Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
9Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
10Roads and Transports Engineering Fundamentals
11Roads and Transports Engineering Fundamentals
12Water Resources Engineering fundamentals
13Water Resources Engineering fundamentals
14Safety, Risk and Engineering Practice
15Safety, Risk and Engineering Practice
No. of WeeksC.E.133 Arabic Language
1hr. / Week1
15This course aims to grow the students’ familiarity with and competence in Arabic literature in its various genres to increase their ability to appreciate literature and to develop their awareness of its concepts through the study of poetry, novel and the short story
WeeksC.E.135English for Academic Purposes (I)
2hrs./ Week2
1Understanding English Grammar
2Understanding English Grammar
3Understanding English Grammar
4Understanding English Grammar
5Understanding English Grammar
6Reading skills
7Reading skills
8Reading skills
9Reading skills
10Listening skills
11Listening skills
12Listening skills
13Making notes during lectures
14Making notes during lectures
15Making notes during lectures

First Year/ Second Semester

C.E.100Mathematics (II)313
C.E.104Engineering Mechanics (II)313
C.E.108Programming (I)1122
C.E.112Engineering Drawing (II)242
C.E.116Probability and Statistics (II)212
C.E.120Construction Materials1122
C.E.124Engineering Geology  212
C.E.132Freedom & Human Rights 11
WeeksC.E.100 Mathematics (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Derivatives of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
2Derivatives of hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic functions.
3Application of Derivatives, L’Hapital rule, Velocity and acceleration, Max. and Min. and point of inflection.
4Indefinite Integrals, Integration formulas and integration of logarithmic, exponential trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
5Integrals of functions, Integration of Hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic functions.
6Methods of Integration, Integration by parts and integration for odd and even powers of sine and cosine.
7Integration of Trigonometric Substitutions and integral involving (ax2 + b x + c).
8Integration of Partial fractions and rational functions of sinx and cosx and other trigonometric functions.
9Applications of Integration, Definite integral and area.
10General Substitutions, Length of the curve and surface area.
11Volume by Triple Integrals.
12Double Integrals, Area between two curves.
13Vectors, Vector in space, parallel vectors and product of vectors.
14Vectors, Triple product, volume of box and projection of two vectors.
15General Substitutions and quiz, Quiz, answers and solutions.
WeeksC.E.104 Engineering Mechanics (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Centroids of area.
2Determination of centroid by integration.
3Centroids of a composite line or area.
4First Moments of area.
5Moments of Inertia
6Moments of inertia by integration
7Polar moment of inertia; Radius of gyration
8Parallel axis theorem
9Moment of inertia of Composite areas
10Moment of inertia of inclined axes.
11Friction, Law of friction; Angles of friction
12Types of cases in friction problems
13Solving problems in friction.
14Dynamics, definitions and basic principles.
15Rectilinear motion, curvilinear motions, relative motion; absolute dependent motion
WeeksC.E.108 Programming (I)
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hrs./ Week2
1Introduction, Types of constants and variables
2Arithmetic expressions
3Input statements (Basic Language)
4Output statements
5GOTO statements
6IF statements
7IF statements
8Do statement
9One dimensional matrix
10Two dimensional matrix
11Two dimensional matrix
13Input and output to files
14Applications on civil engineering cases studies
15Applications on civil engineering cases studies
WeeksC.E.112 Engineering Drawing (II)
2hr. / Week4hr. / Week2
1Introduction to Drawing of Constructions and key symbols
2Review of Projections
3Review of Sections
4Constructions Plane
5Projections of Constructions
6Projections of Constructions
7Profile and Cross Sections of Constructions
8Profile and Cross Sections of Constructions
9Sections of Footings
10Sections of Walls
11Sections of Columns
12Sections of Beams
13Sections of Slabs
14Steel Constructions and Frames
WeeksC.E.116 Probability and Statistics II
2hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2
1Estimation theory and hypothesis testing
2Estimation theory and hypothesis testing
3Estimation theory and hypothesis testing
6Hypothesis tests
7Hypothesis tests
10 F-test (ratio of normal variances)
11 F-test (ratio of normal variances)
12chi-squared test (normal variance)
13chi-squared test (normal variance)
14Regression and data fitting
15Regression and data fitting
WeeksC.E.120 Construction Materials
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hr. / Week2
1Bricks: Classification, manufacture, properties of brick, durability, standard tests and specifications
2Bricks: Classification,  standard tests and specifications
3Bonding materials: Classification, manufacture, Standard tests and specifications
4Bonding materials: Classification, manufacture, Standard tests and specifications
5Bonding materials: Classification, manufacture, Standard tests and specifications
6Bonding materials: Classification, manufacture, Standard tests and specifications
7Bonding materials: Classification, manufacture, Standard tests and specifications
8Timber: Classification, seasoning, types of defects, standard tests
9Timber: Classification, seasoning, types of defects, standard tests
10Thermal and acoustic insulation materials
11Thermal and acoustic insulation materials
12Plastics: Methods of manufacturing, moldings, plastic binders, fields of application of plastics
13Plastics: Methods of manufacturing, moldings, plastic binders, fields of application of plastics
14Metal: Classification, composition, uses, standard tests and specifications.
15Metal: Classification, composition, uses, standard tests and specifications.
WeeksC.E.124 Engineering Geology
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction: Relationship between geology and civil engineering, earth structure (crust, mantle, core), geological cycle
2Minerals and rocks
3Minerals and rocks
4Soil: Weathering, soil formation, classification, transported and residual soils, mineral composition, soils of Iraq
5Soil: Weathering, soil formation, classification, transported and residual soils, mineral composition, soils of Iraq
6Structural geology: Types of earth movements, basic definitions.
7Structural geology: folds, faults, joints, and their types.
8Topographic and geological maps
9Topographic and geological maps
10Topographic and geological maps
11Physical and engineering properties of rocks
12Physical and engineering properties of rocks
13Surface and ground water
14Surface and ground water
15Surface and ground water
WeeksC.E.132 Freedom and Human Rights
1hrs./ Week1
1Origins of civil rights and freedom, including: legislation for civil rights.
2Understanding civil rights, philosophy of civil rights, economical conception of civil rights
3Legal basis for the rule of law
4General Freedoms guarantee
5General Freedoms guarantee
6Basic Freedoms and basic civil rights
7Basic Freedoms and basic civil rights
8Freedom of movement of people
9Freedom of thought, opinion &belief
10Freedom of labor.
11Freedom of owning property, capitalistic & socialist understanding of ownership
12Freedom of owning property, capitalistic & socialist understanding of ownership
13Freedom of trade and industry including constitutional requirements, commercial freedom, etc.
14Other Freedoms including, forming political parties, third world application of civil rights
15Other Freedoms including, advances in scientific& technical aspects of civil rights


Second Year/ First Semester

C.E.201Mathematics (III)313
C.E205Strength of Material (I)313
C.E.209Programming (II)122
C.E.213Engineering Surveying (I)2123
C.E.217Fluid Mechanics (I)2123
C.E.221Building Construction (I)212
C.E.225Concrete Technology (I)223
C.E.229English for Academic Purposes (II)22
WeeksC.E.201 Mathematics (III)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Matrix algebra
2Transpose, Determinate, and Inversion of Matrix
3Solution of  system of linear equations
4Vectors algebra
5Dot and Cross Product
6Lines and Planes in Space
7Polar Coordinates
8Equations Relating Polar and Cartesian Coordinates
9Graphing in Polar Coordinates
10Applications on Polar Coordinates
11Infinite Sequences
12Series Tests
13Power Series
14Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series
15Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series
WeeksC.E.205 Strength of Materials (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Types of Loads and stress
2Simple stress
3Hook’s low
4Simple strain
5Simple strain
6 Thermal stress
7Thermal stress
10Shear and bending Moment Diagrams
11Shear and bending Moment Diagrams
12Flexural stress in Beam
13Flexural stress in Beam
14Composite Beams 
15Composite Beams 
WeeksC.E.209 Programming (II)
1hrs./ Week2hr. / Week2
1Fortran programming preliminaries, Fortran contents and variables
2Fortran programming preliminaries, Fortran contents and variables
3Fortran programming preliminaries, Fortran contents and variables
4Arithmetic expression
5Arithmetic expression
6Input-output statements, control statements and statement subscripted variables
7Input-output statements, control statements and statement subscripted variables
8Input-output statements, control statements and statement subscripted variables
9Elementary format specifications logical expression, and decision table
10Elementary format specifications logical expression, and decision table
11Functions and subroutines
12Functions and subroutines
13Processing files in variables, character manipulation in Fortran
14Processing files in variables, character manipulation in Fortran
15Processing files in variables, character manipulation in Fortran
WeeksC.E.213 Engineering Surveying (I)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hr. / Week3
1General concepts and principles of surveying
2General concepts and principles of surveying
3Errors and mistakes
4Linear measurements: Taping methods; systematic error in taping, measuring obstructed distances, other uses of tape.
5Linear measurements: Taping methods; measuring obstructed distances, other uses of tape.
7Direct levelling; level, basic parts and principles.
8Differential levelling; systematic errors, field procedure, types of differential levelling.
9Differential levelling; systematic errors, field procedure, types of differential levelling.
10Adjustment of differential levelling by the least squares method.
11Profile levelling; field procedure, adjustment of profile levelling, computation of cut and fill. 
12Profile levelling; field procedure, adjustment of profile leveling, computation of cut and fill. 
13Angles and directions
14Angles; types of angles, types of horizontal angles.
15Directions; direction of a line, meridian, azimuth, bearing.
WeeksC.E.217 Fluid Mechanics (I)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hrs./ Week3
1Introduction: Distinction between solids, liquids & gases
2Dimensions & Units
3Fluid Properties,  Density, specific weight
5Compressibility; surface Tension
6Fluid Statics: Pressure
7Atmospheric properties; hydrostatic equation
8Pressure measurement devices
9Forces on immersed surfaces
10Buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle
11Accelerated fluid masses
12Fluid Dynamics :Definitions of flow types
13Continuity equation
14Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations
15Applications on Bernoulli’s equation
WeeksC.E.221 Building Construction (I)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction. definitions
2Earth Works (Cut and fill)
3Foundations Works
4Foundations Works
5Piles Works
6Concrete Works
7Concrete Works
8Brick and Block Works
9Brick and Block Works
10Brick and Block Works
11Masonry Works
12Forms and Scaffoldings
13Forms and Scaffoldings
14Beams, Girders and Columns
15Beams, Girders and Columns
WeeksC.E.225 Concrete Technology (I)
2hrs./ Week2hr. / Week3
1Introduction to Concrete materials
2Manufacture of Cement and its Components
3Hydration of Cement
4Volume of Hydration
5Volume of Hydration
6Tests of Cement
7Types of Cement
8Types of Cement
9Modern cementiutes materials
10Aggregate, properties of Aggregate
11Impurities in Aggregate
12Alkali reaction of Aggregate
13Sieve analysis
14Application of new aggregate materials
15Application of new aggregate materials
WeeksC.E.229 English for Academic Purposes (II)
2hrs./ Week2
1Principles of academic writing
2Principles of academic writing
3Principles of academic writing
4Principles of academic writing
5Speaking Skill
6Speaking Skill
7Preparing academic posters.
8Preparing academic posters.
9Preparing academic posters.
10Preparing academic posters.
11Preparing academic oral presentation.
12Preparing academic oral presentation.
13Preparing academic oral presentation.
14Preparing academic oral presentation.
15Preparing academic oral presentation.

Second year/ Second Semester

C.E.200Mathematics (IV)313
C.E.204Strength of Materials (II)313
C.E.208Programming (III)122
C.E.212Engineering Surveying (II)2123
C.E.216Fluid Mechanics (II)2123
C.E.220Building Construction (II)212
C.E.224Concrete Technology (II)223
C.E.228Geomatic Engineering111
WeeksC.E.200 Mathematics (IV)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Functions of Several Variables
2Partial Derivatives
3The Chain Rule
4Applications of  Partial Derivatives
5Multiple Integrals
6Double and Iterated Integrals over Rectangles
7Double Integrals over General Regions
8Double Integral in polar forms
9Applications of  Double Integrals
10Triple Integrals
11Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
12Applications on Triple Integrals
13Introduction to differential equations
14First order ordinary differential equations
WeeksC.E.204 Strength of Materials (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Shear stress
2Shear stress
3Spacing of nail
4Double integration method
5Double integration method
6Moment-area method
7Moment-area method
8Axial-flexural combined stress
9Axial-flexural combined stress
10Shear-torsion combined stress
11Shear-torsion combined stress
12Analysis of plane stress and strain
13Equations for the transformation of plane stress
14Graphical solution – Mohr’s circle
WeeksC.E.208 Programming (III)
1 hrs./ Week2hr. / Week2
1Introduction and Programming basics
2Conditionals , Nested conditionals; logical operators
3Iteration: for
4Iteration: while
5Developing algorithms; nested loop
6User-defined functions
7Executing a user-defined function
8Discrete vs. continuous; plotting
92-d Arrays—matrix
10Characters and strings
11Cell arrays, working with numeric/text data (file I/O)
12Structures and structure arrays
13Array of objects, constructor that handles variable number of args
14Sorting and Searching
WeeksC.E.212 Engineering Surveying (II)
2hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2hr. / Week3
1General concepts angles measuring instruments: Basic parts and principles, optical-reading theodolites, digital theodolite, total station. Measuring horizontal angles; repetition method, direct method.
2Angles measuring instruments: Basic parts and principles, optical-reading theodolites, total station.
3Measuring horizontal angles; repetition method, direct method.
4Measuring horizontal angles; repetition method, direct method.
5 Angles measuring instruments: Measuring vertical angles,
6Traversing: Introduction; methods of control survey, accuracy standards and specifications, basic concept of traversing, types of traverses.
7Traversing: Computation of horizontal coordinates of the traverse stations.     Adjustment of horizontal coordinates of the traverse stations.
8Traversing: Computation of horizontal coordinates of the traverse stations.     Adjustment of horizontal coordinates of the traverse stations.
9Areas:  Methods of measuring area
10Areas:  Methods of measuring area
11Topographic Surveying 
12Volume of earth work
13Volume of earth work
14Horizontal and Vertical Curves
15Horizontal and Vertical Curves
WeeksC.E.216 Fluid Mechanics (II)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hr. / Week3
1Momentum Principle: Momentum equation
2Impinging jets; forces on vanes and blades
3Real Fluid Flow: Laminar and turbulent flow
4Laminar flow through circular pipes
5Turbulent Flow and the Moody Diagram
6Specifying Pipe Sizes
7Head losses in laminar flow
8Pipe Flow Applications : Flow resistance in smooth and rough pipes
9Minor losses; analysis of pipelines
10Three reservoirs problem
11Three reservoirs problem
12Pipe networks
13Pipe networks
14Open Channel Flow
15Open Channel Flow
WeeksC.E.220 Building Construction (II)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction, Definitions
2Floors and Roofs
3Floors and Roofs
4Arches, Lintels and Sills
5Arches, Lintels and Sills
6Damp Proofing
7Damp Proofing
8Finishing of Walls and Ceilings
9Finishing of Walls and Ceilings
10Doors and Windows
11Doors and Windows
12Means of Moving Between Levels
13Means of Moving Between Levels
14Joints in Buildings
15Joints in Buildings
WeeksC.E.224 Concrete Technology (II)
2hrs./ Week2hrs./ Week3
1Introduction for fresh concrete
2Workability and its tests
3Factors affected workability
5Compaction of concrete
6Hardened Concrete
7Application for types of concrete
8Factors affected the strength of concrete
9Curing of concrete
10Mix design of concrete
11Modulus of elasticity
12Modulus of elasticity
13Volume Change
15Durability of Concrete
WeeksC.E.228 Geomatics Engineering
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week1
1The basic components and benefits of Remote Sensing
2Physical foundations of Remote Sensing
3Aerial survey Eng., applications, type of photographs, different between vertical aerial photographs & maps, Indications on aerial photographs.
4Vertical aerial photograph, Eng. Relations for vertical aerial photograph, photographic coordinate system, scale of vertical aerial photographs.
5The design of the airline
6 Remote sensing from the space, Satellite characteristics around the earth.
7Interpretation satellite Image.
8The applications of  Remote Sensing Techniques (low, medium, high and very high (civil engineering applications)) discrimination
9Digital Image Processing.
10Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Road Eng. (evaluation for highway Alignment).
11Using Remote Sensing Techniques in environment Eng. And environment analysis and estimation Pollution Problems.
12 Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Resources Management and Hydrologic, Climate analysis, cartographic, Cities analysis, Urban Planning, Agriculture analysis and Forests.
13Introduction in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and applications.
14 Introduction in Global Position System (GPS) and applications.
15 Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) and its applications.


Third Year/First Semester

C.E.301Engineering Analysis 313
C.E.305Theory of Structures (I)313
C.E.309Soil Mechanics (I)2123
C.E.313Reinforced Concrete (I)313
C.E.317Environmental Engineering1122
C.E.321Project Management212
C.E.325Traffic Engineering111
C.E.329Irrigation & Drainage Engineering212
C.E.333English for Academic Purposes (III)22
WeeksC.E.301 Engineering Analysis
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Classification of DE
2Solution of 1st order ODE
3Applications on 1st order ODE
4Solution of  Homogenous 2nd order ODE
5Solution of  Non  Homogenous 2nd order ODE
6Solution of  Linear higher order ODE
7Euler – Cauchy equations
8Applications on 2nd order ODE
9Solution simultaneous linear DE
10Applications on Simultaneous linear DE
11Fourier Series
12Applications on Fourier Series
13Partial differential equations
14Separation of variables
15Applications on Partial differential equations
WeeksC.E.305 Theory of Structure (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Theory of Structures
2Introduction and types of structures and loads
3Determinacy and stability
4Analysis of statically determinant frames
5Analysis of statically determinant frames
6Influence line for statically determinant beams
7Influence line for statically determinant trusses
8Influence line for statically determinant floor girders
9Maximum influence at a point due to a series of concentrated loads
10Maximum influence at a point due to a series of concentrated loads
11Deflections by virtual work method: Beams
12Deflections by virtual work method: Beams
13Deflections by virtual work method: Frames
14Deflections by virtual work method: Trusses
15Deflections of Beams by conjugated-beam method
WeeksC.E.309 Soil Mechanics (I)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hrs./ Week3
1Introduction to Soil Mechanics
2Soil properties
3Soil properties
4Weight volume relationships
5Weight volume relationships
6Soil classification
7Soil classification
8Soil classification
9Soil compaction
10Soil compaction
11Soil compaction
12Soil permeability
13One dimensional flow
14One dimensional flow
15Two dimensional flow
WeeksC.E.313 Reinforced Concrete (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
2Analysis using working stress method
3Design using working stress method
4Analysis of doubly beams using working stress method
5Design of doubly beams using working stress method
6Analysis of single beams using ultimate strength method 
7Design of single beams using ultimate strength method 
8Analysis of doubly beams using ultimate strength method 
9Design of doubly beams using ultimate strength method 
10Analysis of T- beams and irregular using ultimate strength method 
11Design of T- beams and irregular using ultimate strength method 
12Analysis and design of continuous beams. 
13Shear strength of concrete beams
14Torsion Design of beams
15Severability of beams
WeeksC.E.317 Environmental Engineering
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2hr. / Week2
1Introduction to environmental protection engineering.
2Principle of EIA (environmental impact assessment).
3EIA report preparation according to international codes.
4EIA report preparation according to international codes.
5Water resources and water pollution sources.
6Water resources and water pollution sources.
7Water pollution and the kind of polluters and the diseases that transport through water.
8Water pollution and the kind of polluters and the diseases that transport through water.
9Introduction to air pollution (types, sources and measurements).
10Method of air pollution control and treatment.
11Method of air pollution control and treatment.
12The solid waste and its effects on the environment and the ways of storing, collecting, and treating it
13The solid waste and its effects on the environment and the ways of storing, collecting, and treating it
14Noise and its effects on the human’s health.
15Noise and its effects on the human’s health.
WeeksC.E.321 Project Management
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction, project phasis
2Contracting methods and contract types
3Changes in duration and cost for the construction projects
4Planning and scheduling methods
5Bar charts
6Activity on Arrow Method
7Activity on Nod Method
8PERT method
9Line of Balance Method
10Time Cost Trade off Analysis
11Time Cost Trade off Analysis
12Cash flow forecasting 
13Cash flow forecasting
14Cash flow forecasting
15Microsoft Project
WeeksC.E.325 Traffic Engineering
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week1
1Traffic administration
2Volume studies
3Volume studies
6Traffic Flow Theory
7Traffic Flow Theory
8Traffic Flow Theory
9Delay Studies
10Capacity and Level of Service (LOS)
11Capacity and Level of Service (LOS)
12Capacity and Level of Service (LOS)
13Design of traffic signals
14Design of traffic signals
15Traffic management to reduce congestion and increase safety
WeeksC.E.329 Irrigation & Drainage Engineering
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Irrigation(definition, purposes, sources)
2Soil-water relationship
3Flow of water into and through soil
4Water requirement, Irrigation efficiencies
5Consumptive use, Water duty
6Unlined irrigation canal
7Unlined irrigation canal
8lined irrigation canal
9lined irrigation canal
12Planning of irrigation and drainage networks
13Planning of irrigation and drainage networks
14Methods of field irrigation
15Methods of field irrigation
WeeksC.E.333 English for Academic Purposes (III)
2hrs./ Week2
1Academic writing skills
2Academic writing skills, Paraphrasing
3Writing assay, general structure of an assay
4Writing assay, general structure of an assay
5Skills of writing a report, advanced skills with Microsoft word
6Skills of writing a report, advanced skills with Microsoft word
7Examples for good and poor assays
8Examples for good and poor assays
9Scientific Method
10Science  Method/ Ways of doing Science
11Obtaining scientific info
12Exploiting E-Journals.
13Exploiting E-Journals.
14Effective Communication
15Effective Communication

Third Year/ Second Semester

CodeSubjectHrs. /weekUnits
C.E.300Numerical Analysis223
C.E.304Theory of Structures (II)313
C.E.308Soil Mechanics (II)2223
C.E.312Reinforced Concrete (II)313
C.E.316Water Engineering313
C.E.320Engineering Economy212
C.E.324Geometric Road Design111
C.E.328Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (I)122


WeeksC.E.300 Numerical Analysis
2hrs./ Week2hr. / Week3
1Solution of f(x) = 0
2Advanced Matrices
3Numerical solution of Ax = B
4Eigen value problems
5Numerical Solution of nonlinear system of equations
6Interpolation (reading between numbers)
7Numerical Differentiation
8Numerical integration
9Numerical solution of  ODE
10Finite Difference
11Solution of  ODE using finite difference
12Numerical solution of  PDE
13Elliptic PDE
14Parabolic PED
15Hyperbolic PDE
WeeksC.E.304 Theory of Structures (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Analysis of statically indeterminate Structures by the force method: Beams
2Analysis of statically indeterminate Structures by the force method: Beams
3Analysis of statically indeterminate Structures by the force method: Frames
4Analysis of statically indeterminate Structures by the force method: Trusses
5Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by slope-deflection method
6Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by slope-deflection method
7Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by slope-deflection method
8Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by slope-deflection method
9Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by moment distribution method
10Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by moment distribution method
11Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by moment distribution method
12Approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures
13Approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures
14Elective Topics
15Elective Topics
WeeksC.E.308 Soil Mechanics (II)
2hrs./ Week2hr. / Week2hr. / Week3
1Stresses in a soil mass
2Stresses in a soil mass
3Stress due to loads
4Stress due to loads
5Immediate settlement
6Consolidation settlement
7Consolidation settlement
8Shear strength
9Direct shear
10Triaxial shear test
11Triaxial shear test
12Triaxial shear test
13Unconfined compression test
14Lateral earth pressure
15Lateral earth pressure
WeeksC.E.312 Reinforced Concrete (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Analysis of one-way slab
2Design of one-way slab
3Analysis of two-way slab
4Design of two-way slab
5Analysis of short concrete columns
6Design of short concrete columns
7Analysis of long concrete columns
8Design of long concrete columns
9Analysis of short circular concrete columns
10Design of short circular concrete columns
11Analysis of long circular concrete columns
12Design of long circular concrete columns
13Analysis of short concrete columns
14Development length
WeeksC.E.316 Water Engineering
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Introduction of Sanitary Engineering
2Basics of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
3Sources of water, the amount of water and sewage
4Water collection
5Surface water, quality of water ,drinking water standards
6Water consumption
7Pumping design
8Water treatment(coagulation)
9Water treatment (flocculation)
10Water treatment(sedimentation)
11Water treatment(sedimentation)
12Water treatment(filtration)
13Water treatment(disinfection)
14Water distribution
15Introduction to Advanced Treatments
WeeksC.E.320 Engineering Economy
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction, demand and supply
2Simple and compound interest
3Equivalent annual cost
4Economical comparison methods, Annual Cost
5Present Worth Method
6Interest Rate of Return Method IRR
7Interest Rate of Return Method IRR
8Break Even Analysis
9Break Even Analysis
12Linear Programming
13Linear Programming
14Incentive Scheme
15Incentive Scheme
WeeksC.E.324 Geometric Road Design
1hrs./ Week1hr. / Week1
1Elements of design
2Stopping and passing sight distance
3Stopping and passing sight distance
4Stopping and passing sight distance
5Design of horizontal curves
6Design of horizontal curves
7Design of horizontal curves
8Design of vertical curves
9Design of vertical curves
10Design of vertical curves
11Design of vertical curves
14Design of parking
15Design of parking
WeeksC.E.328 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (I)
1hr. / Week2hr. / Week2
1Introduction to AutoCAD( history, viewport and bars, essential commands, Quick access toolbar) 
2Coordinates input methods with applications
3Modify menu and its applications
4Draw menu and its applications
5Draw menu and its applications
6Hash and dimensions of the drawing
7Make, insert, edit Block
8Modify menu and its applications
9Layers and its applications
10Structural design presentation
11Drawing of foundations
12Drawing of reinforced concrete beams and columns
13Drawing of reinforced concrete slabs
14Drawing of stairs and lifts
15Some structural details


Fourth Year/ First semester

C.E.401Foundation Engineering (I)313
C.E.405Asphalt Technology223
C.E.409Concrete Design (I)313
C.E.413Steel Structure (I)212
C.E.417Wastewater Engineering313
C.E.421Estimation & Specifications212
C.E.431Elective topics in Structural Engineering111
C.E.429English for Academic Purposes (IV)22
C.E.433Engineering Project42
WeeksC.E.401 Foundation Engineering (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Soil explorations
2Soil explorations
3Bearing capacity of shallow foundations
4Bearing capacity of shallow foundations
5Bearing capacity of shallow foundations
6Bearing capacity of shallow foundations
7Settlement of foundations
8Settlement of foundations
9Structural design of foundations
10Structural design of foundations
11Structural design of foundations
12Structural design of foundations
13Structural design of foundations
14Mat foundations
15Mat foundations
WeeksC.E.405 Asphalt Technology
2hrs./ Week23
1Cross-Section Elements and Mass Haul Diagram
2Cross-Section Elements and Mass Haul Diagram
3Cross-Section Elements and Mass Haul Diagram
4Types and properties of asphalt in pavement construction
5Types and properties of asphalt in pavement construction
6Types and properties of asphalt in pavement construction
7Aggregate used in Asphalt Concrete
8Aggregate used in Asphalt Concrete
9Aggregate used in Asphalt Concrete
10Requirements for  bituminous mixes
11Volumetric Properties of Asphalt Mixtures
12Volumetric Properties of Asphalt Mixtures
13Design of aggregate gradation for asphalt mixes
14Design of asphalt mixes
15Design of asphalt mixes
WeeksC.E.409 Concrete Design (I)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Review for concrete design member and types of load
2Types of two way slab system
3Design of two way slab by Direct Design Method
4Design of two way slab by Direct Design Method
5Design of two way slab by Direct Design Method
6Design of two way slab by Direct Design Method
7Design of Punching Shear in flat slab
8Design of Punching Shear in flat slab
9Design of Punching Shear in flat slab
10Design of Punching Shear in flat slab
11Design of two way slab by Equivalent frame method
12Design of two way slab by Equivalent frame method
13Design of two way slab by Equivalent frame method
14Design of two way slab by Equivalent frame method
15Design of two way slab by Equivalent frame method
WeeksC.E.413 Steel Structures (I)
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction of steel structures
2Types of loadings
3Design of tension members
4Design of tension members
5Design of compression members (columns)
6Design of compression members (columns)
7Design of compression members (columns)
8Design of flexural members (beams)
9Design of flexural members (beams)
10Design of flexural members (beams)
11Design of flexural members (beams)
12Design of beam – column  members
13Design of beam – column  members
14Design of beam – column  members
15Design of beam – column  members
WeeksC.E.417 Wastewater Engineering
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Sewerage system
2Quality of waste water
3Sewer hydraulic
4Waste water treatment objective
5Types and method of waste water treatment
6Primary treatment
7Biological treatment(activated sludge)
8Biological treatment, Fixed growth
9Clarification, Filtration
11Trickling filter
14Sludge treatment
15Advanced treatment
WeeksC.E.421 Estimation & Specifications
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction about estimating and earth works with planning and leveling.
2Excavation of foundation
3Layer of boulder and layer of sub-base for the whole area of the excavation with a width equal to the foundation width indicated in plans.
4Casting lean  with width equal to the foundation
5layer of block or rock 
6Casting lean concrete   with width equal to the thickness of wall
7Wall building work – Build by brick and cement mortar and by block
8Casting a concrete  for girders and column s  
9Casting a concrete to the slabs.
10Finishing works
11Roof works estimating
12Box Culvert estimating
13Water Tank estimating
14Canals estimating
15project estimating
WeeksC.E.425 Hydrology
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Hydrology, hydrologic cycle, Meteorological data
2Precipitation, Rainfall information
3Estimating missing precipitation data, Double mass curve analysis
4Average precipitation over an area
5Evaporation and transpiration, Infiltration
6Stream flow
7Extension of rating curve
10Reservoir routing
11Stream flow routing
13Well hydraulics
14Well hydraulics
15Flood Probability
WeeksC.E.431 Elective Topics in Structural Engineering
1hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week1
1Review on stiffness matrix
2Matrix and solutions
3Matrix and solutions
4Two dimensional stiffness matrix of truss in local and global coordinates
5Two dimensional stiffness matrix of truss in local and global coordinates
6Analysis of plan trusses using S.M.M
7Analysis of plan trusses using S.M.M
8Two dimensional stiffness matrix of Beams in local and global coordinates
9Two dimensional stiffness matrix of Beams in local and global coordinates
10Analysis of plan beams using S.M.M
11Analysis of plan beams using S.M.M
12Two dimensional stiffness matrix of frame element in local and global coordinates
13Two dimensional stiffness matrix of frame element in local and global coordinates
14Analysis of plan frames using S.M.M
15Analysis of plan frames using S.M.M
WeeksC.E.429 English for Academic Purposes (IV)
2hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2
1What is research?
2Resources types
3Resources types
4Resources types
5Research Design
6Research Design
7Data Presenting and treatment
8Data Presenting and treatment
9Data Presenting and treatment
13Citations and Referencing
14Citations and Referencing
15Citations and Referencing
No. of WeeksC.E.433 Engineering Project
4hr. / Week2
15Students are required to work on project in any of the areas related to Civil Engineering. The students will work 4 hrs. per week with his / her supervisor(s) during the all-academic year in the 4th stage.

Fourth year/ Second Semester

C.E.400Foundation Engineering (II)313
C.E.404Pavement Design22
C.E.408Concrete Design (II)313
C.E.412Steel Structure (II)212
C.E.416Plumbing Engineering212
C.E.420Construction Methods 212
C.E.424Hydraulic structures212
C.E.428Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (II)21
C.E.433Engineering Project42
C.E.440Engineering Ethics11
WeeksC.E.400 Foundation Engineering (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Lateral earth pressure
2Retaining walls
3Retaining walls
4Sheet piles design in sand
5Sheet piles design in clay
6Pile foundations
7Design of single pile
8Pile design using SPT data
9Pile design using CPT data
10Pile capacity dynamic analysis
11Pile capacity from Pile load test
12Piles group
13Piles group
14Piles group
15Introduction to slop stability
WeeksC.E.404 Pavement Design
2hrs./ Week—-2
1Types of pavements and general principles
2Types of pavements and general principles
3Stresses in flexible pavement
4Stresses in flexible pavement
5Design of Flexible Pavement
6Design of Flexible Pavement
7Design of Flexible Pavement
8Thickness design of rigid Pavement
9Thickness design of rigid Pavement
10Types of joints in rigid pavement
11Stresses in rigid pavement
12Stresses in rigid pavement
13Reinforcement design of rigid pavement
14Reinforcement design of rigid pavement
15Reinforcement design of rigid pavement
WeeksC.E.408 Concrete Design (II)
3hrs./ Week1hr. / Week3
1Introduction for yield line theory 
2Analysis of slab by yield line
3Analysis of slab by yield line
4Analysis of slab by yield line
5Analysis of slab by yield line
6Design of slab by yield line
7Design of slab by yield line
8Introduction for perstress concrete members
9Stresses in perstress concrete beams
10Stresses in perstress concrete beams
11Allowable stresses in perstress concrete and steel
12Design of prestress beam (ASD method)
13Design of prestress beam (ASD method)
14Design of prestress beam (Ultimate method)
15Shear in prestress beams
WeeksC.E.412 Steel Structures II
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Design of bolted connections
2Design of bolted connections
3Design of bolted connections
4Design of bolted connections
5Design of welded connections
6Design of welded connections
7Design of welded connections
8Design of welded connections
9Design of plate girders
10Design of plate girders
11Design of plate girders
12Miscellaneous design considerations
13Miscellaneous design considerations
14Miscellaneous design considerations
15Miscellaneous design considerations
WeeksC.E.416 Plumbing Engineering
2hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2
1Pipes: types, of pipes, fittings, and valves.
2Sanitary fixtures: tanks, pressures, water consumption, discharges.
3Design of cold water pipe systems: Types of systems, pressures.
4Design of cold water pipe systems: Calculation of pipe sizes, equivalent pipe methods, cold water cistern.
5Design of hot water pipe system: Direct and indirect systems of hot water distribution, hot water storage tank types, capacity and required energy.
6Drainage pipes system within buildings: Types and methods of joining, supports of drainage pipes.
7Design of drainage systems: Pipe size calculations for one-pipe system.
8Design of drainage systems: Pipe size calculations for two-pipe system.
9Design of vent systems: Individual venting, loop venting.
10Design of vent systems: Branch venting, and methods of jointing.
11Storm water drainage systems: Rain water intensity, equivalent units.
12Storm water drainage systems: Equivalent units.
13Firefighting systems with buildings: Fire hydrants, sprinklers.
14Firefighting systems with buildings: sprinklers.
15Firefighting systems with buildings: Hazard occupancy classification.
WeeksC.E.420 Construction Methods
2hrs./ Week1hr. / Week2
1Introduction to The Methods of construction
2Introduction to Methods of management projects
3An engineer and contractor with the economics of construction
4Costs of operation equipment
5Costs of operation equipment with examples
6Engineering fundamentals for choosing construction tools  1
7Engineering fundamentals for choosing construction tools  2 examples
8Engineering fundamentals for choosing construction tools  3 examples
9Methods of estimating The productivity of machines
10Methods of estimating The productivity of machines
11Methods of estimating The productivity of machines
12Methods of estimating The productivity of machines and cost s
13Methods of stabilities soils
14Methods of stabilities soils
15The Works of wood
WeeksC.E.424 Hydraulic structures
2hrs./ Week1hrs./ Week2
1Hydraulic structures (introduction)
2Seepage under hydraulic structures
3Seepage under hydraulic structures
4Seepage under hydraulic structures
5Design of Regulators
6Design of Regulators
7Design of Regulators
8Design of Gates
9Design of Box Culverts
10Design of Box Culverts
11Design of Inverted Siphon
12Design of Transition in open channels
13Design of Stilling Basins
14Design of Stilling Basins
WeeksC.E.428 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (II)
—-2hrs./ Week1
1Introduction to STAADPRO Program
2Editor method
3Orders used in editor method
4Orders used in editor method
5Analysis of concrete structures using editor
6Analysis of concrete structures using editor
7Analysis of steel structures using editor
8Analysis of steel structures using editor
9Design of concrete structures using editor
10Design of concrete structures using editor
11Design of steel structures using editor
12Design of steel structures using editor
13Viewing results of concrete design
14Viewing results of steel design
15Viewing results of steel design
WeeksC.E.432 Engineering Ethics
1hrs./ Week1
1Importance of Ethics in Science and Engineering
2Importance of Ethics in Science and Engineering
3Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics; Moral Analysis;
4Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics; Moral Analysis;
5Theory and practice of ethics in academic
6The Role of Codes of Ethics
7Leadership in Engineering and Industry
8Distinguishing Exterior and Interior Morality
9Distinguishing Exterior and Interior Morality
10Factors Limiting Moral Responsibility and Degrees of Responsibility
11The Importance of Intention
12Ethics in the Global Engineering Profession
13Fairness in Supervising; Fairness in Contracting; Intellectual Property and Society.
14Fairness in Supervising; Fairness in Contracting; Intellectual Property and Society.
15Social Aspects of Employment
No. of WeeksC.E.433 Engineering Project
2hr. / Week2
15Students are required to work on project in any of the areas related to Civil Engineering. The students will work 4 hrs. per week with his / her supervisor(s) during the all-academic year in the 4th stage.